Tiêu đề: Behavioral Science Third Edition (Khoa học hành vi - Bản 3).
Tác giả: Barbara Fadem.
NXB: Lippincott Williams&Wilkins (2000).
Thông số: 295 trang - 26 chương chính.
Đây là cuốn sách chuyên ngành tâm lý học độc đáo, với nội dung chú trọng vào phân tích các phản ứng của con người trên cơ sở của khoa học hành vi cũng như trên cơ sở của những thống kê và thực nghiệm. Qua cuốn sách này, quý độc giả sẽ có được những kiến thức quý giá về tâm lý cũng như hành vi của con người theo cách nhìn nhận khoa học. Cuốn sách được trình bày theo bố cục thống nhất, rõ nét, đã được tối ưu để tương thích tốt với hầu hết các thiết bị đọc sách điện tử hiện nay....
The function and state of the mind are of significant importance to the physical health of an individual. The United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) is closely attuned to the substantial power of the mind-body relationship and tests this area extensively on all three Steps of the examination. This review has been prepared as a learning tool to help students rapidly recall information that they have learned in the first two years of medical school in behavioral science, psychiatry, epidemiology and related courses.
The third edition of BRS Behavioral Science contains 9 sections divided into 26 chapters. All chapters start with a “Typical Board Question” (TBQ), which serves as an example for the way that the subject matter of that chapter is tested on the USMLE. Each chapter has been extensively updated to include the most current information. A total of at least 500 questions and answers with detailed explanations are presented after each chapter and in the Comprehensive Examination at the end of the book. Almost all of these questions have been written expressly for this third edition and reflect the new USMLE format utilizing clinical vignettes. Seventy-six tables are included in the book to provide essential information quickly.
1. The Beginning of Life: Pregnancy through Preschool
2. School Age, Adolescence, Special Issues of Development, and Adulthood
3. Aging, Death, and Bereavement
4. Genetics, Anatomy, and Biochemistry
of Behavior
5. Biological Assessment of Patients with Psychiatric Symptoms
6. Psychoanalytic Theory
7. Learning Theory
8. Clinical Assessment of Intelligence,
Personality, and Achievement
9. Substance Abuse
10. Normal Sleep and Sleep Disorders
11. Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders
12. Mood Disorders
13. Anxiety, Somatoform and Factitious Disorders, and Malingering
14. Other Psychiatric Disorders
15. Psychiatric Disorders in Children
16. Biologic Therapies: Psychopharmacology and Electroconvulsive Therapy
17. Psychological Therapies
18. The Family, Culture, andIllness
19. Sexuality
20. Aggression and Abuse
21. The Doctor-Patient Relationship
22. Psychosomatic Medicine
23. Legal and Ethical Issues in Medicine
24. Health Care in the United States
25. Epidemiology
26. Statistical Analyses
Comprehensive Examination
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