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Giáo trình Y Dược học: Atlas of Clinical Hematology Sixth Edition (Tập bản đồ huyết học lâm sàng - Bản 6)






Tên sách: Atlas of Clinical Hematology Sixth Edition (tạm dịch: Tập bản đồ huyết học lâm sàng - Bản 6).

Tác giả: H. Loffer - J. Rastetter - T. Haferlach.

NXB: Springer (2005).

Số trang: 434.

Cuốn sách này cung cấp những hiểu biết và kinh nghiệm toàn diện nhất về huyết học lâm sàng như các chỉ số thành phần máu, xét nghiệm tế bào máu, v.v... bằng cách trình bày khoa học, ví dụ bằng hình ảnh rõ ràng và thực tế. Sách bản đẹp, mục lục tự động, tương thích tốt với hầu hết các thiết bị đọc, hứa hẹn sẽ đem lại nhiều giá trị cho quý độc giả, đặc biệt là các sinh viên, chuyên gia, bác sĩ trong ngành huyết học và truyền máu.

Atlas of Clinical Hematology 6th Edition Cover

Atlas of Clinical Hematology 6th Edition Preview 1

Atlas of Clinical Hematology 6th Edition Preview 2

Atlas of Clinical Hematology 6th Edition Preview 3


Soon after the 5th edition of this volume appeared, the WHO published de- tails on the pathology and genetics of the hematopoietic and lymphatic tis- sues. Work in progress found in short journal articles had already been in- tegrated into the last edition. Now it was possible to incorporate the new proposals for classification and diagnosis and to include figures of new types of leukemia and lymphoma. These include leukemias of dendritic cells, in- travascular large B-cell lymphoma, the liver-spleen TƯcell lymphoma as well as persistent polyclonal B-cell lymphocytosis, which is placed between be- nign and malignant. The present volume completes and extends the cytogenetic and molecu- lar-genetic characterization of the different diseases and incorporates new figures. At this point we would like to thank PD Dr. Claudia Schoch, Munich, for her valuable help and for graciously providing new zytogenetic and FISH figures. In addition, several figures and tables were replaced, and a schematic drawing of the topography of lymphoma infiltration in bone marrow (cour- tesy of Prof. Dr. H. E. Schaefer, Freiburg) Was added to the lymphoma chap- ter. Even in 2004, diagnosis in hematology and lymphomas starts, as a rule, with the morphological examination of blood, bone marrow or lymphatic tissues. It can direct the subsequent use of immunophenotyping, cytoge- netics and molecular genetics, in this way demonstrating ways of saving money and avoiding unnecessary investigations. Gene expression profiling and, in the future, proteomics still represent very expensive methods that must find their place in diagnosis and prognos- tic evaluation. Gene profiling studies have already confirmed morphological subtypes in AML, e. G., M3 and M3V, which cannot be distinguished into strictly separate groups by cytogenetic and molecular-genetic methods.

New therapeutic measures (especially immunotherapy) Have brought inter- esting progress into the MDS group. For example, the biological entity 5q minus syndrome, which is well defined by morphology and cytogenetics, re- sponds very well to treatment with the thalidomide derivative CC 5013. The fusion gene BCR-ABL, which was originally detected by cytogenesis and is today routinely detected by FISH or PCR in CML, was the first example of a specifically tailored molecular therapy in a tumor; Certainly other examples will follow. Cases of ALL involving t (9; 22), t (4; 11) And t (8; 14) Have also been established as separate prognostic groups with special therapeutic problems. All of these examples demonstrate that a comprehensive arsenal of diag- nostic methods has to be used today for diagnostic and prognostic decisions and individualized therapeutic planning. We are again grateful to Prof. Dr. R. Disko of Munich who agreed to revise and update the chapter on the principal causative agents of tropical diseases.

Finally we wish to thank Mrs. Stephanie Benko and the entire staff of Spring- er-Verlag in Heidelberg as well as Ms. Marina Litterer at ProEdit GmbH for their thoughtful and effective support.



I Techniques of Specimen Collection and Preparation

II Light Microscopic Procedures

III Overview of Cells in the Blood, Bone Marrow, and Lymph Nodes

IV Blood and Bone Marrow

V Lymph Nodes and Spleen

VI Tumor Aspirates from Bone Marrow Involved by Metastatic Disease

VII Blood Parasites and Other Principal Causative Organisms of Tropical Diseases

Subject Index


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