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Giáo trình Y học: Arthritis and Arthroplasty: The Shoulder (Chứng viêm khớp và Phẫu thuật khớp vai)






Tên sách: Arthritis and Arthroplasty: The Shoulder (Chứng viêm khớp và Phẫu thuật khớp vai).

Tác giả: D. M. Dines - C. T. Laurencin - G. R. Williams.

NXB: Elsevier Saunders (Philadelphia, 06/2009).

Thông số: 305 trang, 26 chương chính.

Cuốn sách này là một phần của tuyển tập giáo trình Y học Arthritis and Arthroplasty, vẫn với nội dung chủ đạo là chứng viêm khớp và phương pháp phẫu thuật khớp vai, cuốn sách sẽ cung cấp những kiến thức và kỹ thuật đầy đủ và chi tiết nhất cho độc giả và các nhà nghiên cứu, bác sĩ trong chuyên môn về phẫu thuật chỉnh hình. Cuốn giáo trình hứa hẹn sẽ là cẩm nang đem đến nhiều kinh nghiệm y học quý báu cho mọi người....

 Arthritis and Arthroplasty: The Shoulder Preview 1

 Arthritis and Arthroplasty: The Shoulder Preview 2

 Arthritis and Arthroplasty: The Shoulder Preview 3


The field of shoulder arthroplasty for all types of arthritis is now per capita the fastest growing area of joint arthroplasty surgery. Recent advances in technique and technology, especially reverse shoulder arthroplasty, not only have improved surgical outcomes but have expanded the indications.

With these issues in mind it was our purpose to produce a most comprehensive and contemporary review of all aspects of the field of shoulder arthroplasty. This includes all basic aspects of shoulder arthritis and arthroplasty, including diagnosis, technique, and rehabilitation. In addition, this text explores specific, even controversial, topics related to shoulder arthroplasty, including surface replacement, whole and partial; Hemiarthroplasty with glenoid options; Total shoulder arthroplasty; Arthroplasty for fracture; And reverse shoulder technology. Specific sections on revision shoulder arthroplasty complete the work.

We are delighted and grateful to have been able to assemble so many nationally and internationally acclaimed experts in shoulder arthroplasty to contribute to this work.

These experts were chosen for their specific interest and expertise in their particular topics. As you will see, they have not let us down, as they have produced outstanding chapters, including the most contemporary and controversial issues related to shoulder arthroplasty at this time.

The text is divided into sections for easy reference and comprehension. Much attention has been directed at latest techniques and technologies, revision arthroplasty, and reverse shoulder options. Complications and their treatment for both conventional and reverse shoulder have been given special emphasis.

The success of this work is directly related to our outstanding contributing authors, who have presented their information clearly and concisely and who have not avoided controversial issues. Many chapters are backed up with specific technique videos for the reader’s benefit.

As with any such work, we as editors are indebted to the support from the staff at Elsevier. While most of their work goes on behind the scenes, nothing could have been accomplished without their dedication and willingness to push us to produce the best multidimensional work. We would like to particularly acknowledge the following people whose efforts have made this work the product we hoped it would be. We are particularly grateful to Julia Bartz, our developmental editor who kept our work on track and who had many helpful suggestions along the way. She was ably assisted by

David Saltzberg, the project manager; Mike Morrissey, editorial assistant; Joan Sinclair the project services manager; And Ellen Zanolle the designer. Other editors, Kim Murphy and William Veltre, also did important work in producing the final project. To each of these dedicated people we express our deepest gratitude.

With the completion of this work, we each hope you will find it most helpful in your efforts to provide the best care for your patients requiring treatment for all forms of shoulder arthritis with shoulder arthroplasty.


Part 1: Arthritis and Arthroplasty of Shoulder

Chapter 1. Etiology, Diagnosis and Non-operative Treatment of the Arthritic Shoulder, Erica Taylor and Cato T. Laurencin

Part 2: Surgical Options in Shoulder Arthritis

Chapter 2. Debridement, Chondroplasty and Soft Tissue Releases Emilie V. Cheung and Marc R. Safran

Chapter 3. The Evolution of Total Shoulder Arthroplasty, Peter A. Ugolini and John M. Fenlin

Chapter 4. Partial Surface replacements: Indications, Techniques and Results, Sam Akhavan and Anthony Miniaci

Chapter 5. Humeral Head Resurfacing; Indications, Technique and Results, Stephen A Copeland and Jaikumar G. Relwani

Chapter 6. Hemiarthroplasy for Arthritis
Charles A. Rockwood, Robert M Orfaly

Chapter 7. Interpositional Arthroplasty, Wayne Z. Burkhead, and Sumant G. Krishnan

Chapter 8. Total Shoulder Arthroplasty in Primary Osteoarthritis - Technique and Results,
Christopher C. Dodson, David M. Dines, and Gerald R. Williams

Part 3: Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Technical Considerations

Chapter 9. Soft Tissue Releases and Glenoid Exposure, Frances Cuomo and Danny P Chan

Chapter 10. Glenoid Bone Loss Treated with Bone Grafts, Joseph P. Iannotti and Jason J. Scalise

Chapter 11. The Rotator Cuff Deficient Arthritic Shoulder. Michael J. Angel, David M. Dines, and Cato T. Laurencin

Chapter 12. Rehabilitation after Shoulder Arthroplasty, Martin J. Kelley and Brian G. Leggin

Part 4: Disease Specific Options

Chapter 13. Arthroplasty in Rheumatologic Conditions: Special Considerations, Adam M. Smith and John W. Sperling

Chapter 14. Total Shoulder Arthroplasty or Hemiarthroplasty for Arthritis: Current Trends and Technical Considerations, Matthew D. Williams. T. Bradley Edwards, and Gary M. Gartsman

Chapter 15. Shoulder Arthroplasty in Post-Traumatic Arthropathy: Technique and Results, Danny P. Chan and Peter D. McCann

Chapter 16. Arthroplasty for Arthritis after Instability including Post-Capsulorrhaphy and Chronic Dislocations, H. Griffith, Robert H. Rolf, Nata Parnes, Zachary R. Zimmer, Laurence D. Higgins, and Jon J.P. Warner

Chapter 17. Avascular Necrosis of the Shoulder, Brian T. Feeley and Edward V. Craig

Chapter 18. Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: Indications. Technique and Results, David N. Collins

Chapter 19. The Reverse Shoulder Prosthesis for Acute and Chronic Fractures, Mark A Frankle

Part 5: Complications and Revision

Chapter 20. Complications of Conventional Shoulder Arthroplasty, Simon P Frostick and Paramasivam Sathyamoorthy

Chapter 21. Complications and Treatment of Reverse Shoulder Prosthesis, Wesley P. Phipatanakul and Tom R. Norris

Chapter 22. Infection: Diagnosis and Treatment Options, Hisham Bismar, Amy Jarosz, and William H. Seitz, Jr.

Chapter 23. Soft Tissue Failure after Arthroplasty: Rotator Cuff and Subscapularis, Konrad I. Gruson and Evan L. Flatow

Chapter 24. Glenoid Loosening: Diagnosis and Treatment, Christopher Kepler, Russell F Warren, and Shane J. Nho

Chapter 25. Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty: Technical Considerations and Outcomes, Joshua S. Dines, Christopher Uggen, Jordan Kerker, and David M. Dines

Chapter 26. Reverse Prosthesis for Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty, Bryan Wall and Gilles Walch


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8. Cameron BD, Galatz LM, Ramsey ML: Non-prosthetic manage-ment of grade IV osteochondral lesions of the glenohumeral joint. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 11: 25,2002.

9. Olgivie-Harris DJ, Wiley AM: Athroscopic surgery of the shoulder: A general appraisal. J Bone Joint Surg Br 68: 201,1985.

10. Ellowitz AS, Rosas R, Rodosky MW, Buss DD: The benefit of arthroscopic decompression for impingement in patients found to have unsuspected glenohumeral osteoarthritis. Presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. February 1997, San Francisco.

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12. Weinstein D, Bucchieri J, Pollock R, Flatow EL, Bigliani LU: Arthroscopic debridement of the shoulder for osteoarthritis. Arthroscopy 9: 366,1993.

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14. Safran MR, Wolde-Tsadik G: Prospective outcome study of arthro-scopic debridement for the treatment of grade IV glenohumeral arthritis. Presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Sur-geons 68th Annual Meeting, 2002.

15. Feldmann DD, Orwin JF: Efficacy of arthroscopic debridement for treatment of glenohumeral arthritis. Transactions of the 19th Open Meeting of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons, 30,2003.

16. Weber SC, Kauffman JI: Arthroscopic debridement in the manage-ment of glenohumeral osteoarthritis. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the AAOS, 2004.

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