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Giáo trình Y khoa: Advances in Laparoscopic Surgery (Những tiến bộ trong phẫu thuật nội soi)






Tên sách: Advances in Laparoscopic Surgery (tạm dịch: Những tiến bộ trong phẫu thuật nội soi).

Tác giả: Arshad M. Malik.

NXB: Intech (Rijeka, Croatia - 01/2012).

Thông số: 148 trang, 8 chương chính.

Cuốn sách này trình bày một cách chi tiết về những công nghệ tiến bộ nhất trong lĩnh vực phẫu thuật nội soi  - một cuộc cách mạng trong ngành Ngoại khoa với những ưu điểm rất lớn của kỹ thuật này như hậu phẫu nhẹ nhàng, thời gian nằm bệnh viện ngắn và tính thẩm mỹ cao v.v… Sách trình bày rõ ràng, mục lục hoàn toàn tự động sẽ là cuốn cẩm nang kiến thức hữu ích cho các bác sĩ, các trường đại học,....

Advances in Laparoscopic Surgery Cover Page


There has been a tremendous change in the outlook of surgical patients ever since laparoscopic surgery has come into practice. Surgeons all over the world have seen this change, for which there is a great deal of enthusiasm, and have shown an eagerness to learn this novel technique. Laparoscopic surgery has passed through different stages of evolution to reach its present status where it has earned the title of “Gold Standard” treatment for various surgical problems. The initial period of the learning curve has now been shortened substantially, and most centers are imparting training to budding surgeons all over the world. It has also become an integral part of the curriculum of surgical training in most degree/diploma-awarding institutes globally.

There were days when the scope of laparoscopic surgery was very limited, but improved skills, experience, and advancement in instrumentation has brought a phenomenal change so that there are hardly any contraindications to laparoscopic surgery left. Laparoscopic surgery is praised by surgeons and patients alike in terms of the length of hospital stay, pain, and overall cost. There is also an improvement in the cosmetic results of surgery evidenced by a scar of 10 centimeters, compared to virtually no scar at all. We have seen a parallel rise in the efficiency of surgeons as more and more surgeons have stepped into this new world of advanced technology.



Part 1 General Surgery Procedures 1

Chapter 1 The Laparoscopic Appendectomy – A Recent Trend 3

Arshad M. Malik

Chapter 2 Laparoscopic Management of Difficult Cholecystectomy 13

Mushtaq Chalkoo, Shahnawaz Ahangar, Ab Hamid Wani, Asim Laharwal, Umar Younus, Faud Sadiq Baqal and Sikender Iqbal

Chapter 3 Laparoscopic Pancreatic Surgery 29

Jin-Young Jang

Chapter 4 Laparoscopy in Trauma Patients 43

Cino Bendinelli and Zsolt J. Balogh

Part 2 Urology Procedures 53

Chapter 5 Laparoscopic Ureteroureterostomy 55

Oner Sanli, Tzevat Tefik and Selcuk Erdem

Part 3 Latest Techniques 75

Chapter 6 Navigated Ultrasound in Laparoscopic Surgery 77

Thomas Lango, Toril N. Hernes and Ronald Marvik

Chapter 7 Single Port Laparoscopic Surgery 99

Carus Thomas

Part 4 Pediatric Procedures 117

Chapter 8 Laparoscopic Approach as an Alternative

Option in Treatment of Pediatric Inguinal Hernia 119

B. Haluk Güvenç


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