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Giáo trình Y học: AAOS Atlas of Orthoses and Assistive Devices (tạm dịch: Tuyển tập Dụng cụ phụ trợ và Thiết bị trợ giúp)






Tiêu đề sách: AAOS Atlas of Orthoses and Assistive Devices (tạm dịch: Tuyển tập Dụng cụ phụ trợ và Thiết bị trợ giúp)

Tác giả: D. Hsu - W. Michael - R. Fisk

NXB: Elsevier Health Sciences

Số trang: 602

Cuốn sách này là cẩm nang tổng hợp về các công cụ hỗ trợ trong Y khoa với sự đóng góp chủ yếu của Học viện Bác sĩ phẫu thuật chỉnh hình Hoa Kỳ (AAOS). Cuốn sách hơn 50 chương, trình bày tuần tự và mạch lạc sẽ là hành trang hữu ích cho các y bác sĩ trong việc tiếp cận với những công nghệ mới trong y học....

AAOS Atlas of Orthoses and Assistive Devices - Tuyển tập Dụng cụ phụ trợ và Thiết bị trợ giúp


The development and application of orthoses to reduce the impact of physical disability is an ancient art. Two of the devices discussed in this text as contemporary interventions have been documented as being in use more than 4500 years ago: The crutch depicted in a bas relief carving on the entrance to Hirkouf’s tomb executed in 2830 B. C. And the fracture splint unearthed from the 5th Egyptian Dynasty (2750–2625 B. C.).

Vernon L. Nickel, MD, former Medical Director and founder of the Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Services at Rancho Los Amigos Hospital, defines rehabilitation as the care of patients with chronic diseases involving the neuromuscular skeletal system. Nicholas Andry in the 1740s laid down the principles of care for chronic disability. Sir Robert Jones after the first World War established rehabilitation units for the war wounded. The multidisciplinary approach grew out of necessity as the complex medical, social, and psychological problems and equipment needs for the disabled required professionals knowlegeable in these areas to provide input and assistance in treatment and management.

This edition of the Atlas is the direct descendant of the 1952 classic Orthopaedic Appliances Atlas, which was published at the behest of Dr. M. E. M. Thompson, President of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) in 1947. Its purpose was to “.. . Familiarize orthotists, brace makers.. . [and] orthopaedic surgeons with the development of standards and technical production of orthopaedic appliances.. .. ” This project was supported by the SurgeonGeneral, the Veterans Administration, and the National Research Council together with many industrial manufacturers. Its aim was to clarify, standardize the nomenclature, and classify the use and production of such disease-specific devices.


Chapter 1: International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Terminology

Chapter 2: The orthotic prescription

Chapter 3: Materials science

Chapter 4: Principles of fabrication

Chapter 5: Normal and pathologic gait

Chapter 6: Biomechanics of the spine

Chapter 7: Principles and components of spinal orthoses

Chapter 8: Orthoses for spinal pain

Chapter 9: Orthoses for spinal deformities

Chapter 10: Orthoses for spinal trauma and postoperative care

Chapter 11: Orthoses for osteoporosis

Chapter 12: Biomechanics of the upper limb

Chapter 13: Principles and components of upper limb orthoses

Chapter 14: Upper limb orthoses for the stroke and brain-injured patient

Chapter 15: Upper limb orthoses for the person with spinal cord injury

Chapter 16: Orthoses for the burned hand

Chapter 17: Orthoses for the arthritic hand and wrist

Chapter 18: Orthoses for brachial plexus injuries

Chapter 19: Functional bracing of selected upper limb fractures

Chapter 20: Protective equipment to the upper limb in sport

Chapter 21: Orthoses for overuse disorders of the upper limb

Chapter 22: Biomechanics of the hip, knee, and ankle

Chapter 23: Biomechanics of the foot

Chapter 24: Shoes and shoe modifications

Chapter 25: Foot orthoses

Chapter 26: Lower limb orthoses

Chapter 27: Lower limb orthoses for persons with spinal cord injury

Chapter 28: Orthoses in total joint replacement

Chapter 29: Knee orthoses for sports-related disorders

Chapter 30: Orthotic management of the neuropathic and/or dysvascular patient

Chapter 31: Orthoses for persons with postpolio syndrome

Chapter 32: Orthoses for persons with postpolio sequelae

Chapter 33: Lower limb orthoses for persons who have had a stroke

Chapter 34: Assessment and orthotic management of gait dysfunction in individuals with traumatic brain injury

Chapter 35: Congenital and acquired disorders

Chapter 36: Pediatric hip orthoses

Chapter 37: Orthoses for the muscle disease patient

Chapter 38: Orthoses for cerebral palsy

Chapter 39: Orthoses for myelomeningocele

Chapter 40: Cranial remolding orthoses

Chapter 42: Canes, crutches, and walkers

Chapter 43: Wheelchair mobility for disabled children and adults

Chapter 44: Seating and positioning for disabled children and adults

Chapter 45: Wheelchair prescription in international settings

Chapter 46: Communication devices and electronic aids to activities of daily living

Chapter 47: Assistive devices for recreation

Chapter 49: Driving and related assistive devices

Chapter 50: Robotic devices for rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury

Chapter 51: Future trends and research in orthoses


ISO 8549-1: 1989 Prosthetics and Orthotics—Vocabulary. General terms for external limb prostheses and external orthoses. Geneva, Switzerland, International Organization for Standardization.

ISO 8549-3: 1989 Prosthetics and Orthotics—Vocabulary. Terms relating to external orthoses. Geneva, Switzerland, International Organization for Standardization.

ISO 8551: 2003 Prosthetics and Orthotics—Functional deficiencies. Description of the person to be treated with an orthosis, clinical objectives of treatment, and functional requirements of the orthosis. Geneva, Switzerland, International Organization for Standardization.

ISO 13404: 2005 Prosthetics and Orthotics. Classification and description of orthoses and orthotic components. Geneva, Switzerland, International Organization for Standardization.


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