(DỊ ỨNG - BẢN 4)
Tên sách: Allergy Fourth Edition (Dị ứng - Bản 4).
Tác giả: S.T. Holgate - M.K. Church - D.H. Broide - F.D. Martinez.
NXB: Elsevier Saunders (Anh Quốc, 2012).
Số trang: 403.
Cuốn giáo trình này đề cập một cách tổng quát và chi tiết về dị ứng - một rối loạn quá mẫn của hệ miễn dịch. Phản ứng dị ứng xảy ra để chống lại các chất vô hại trong môi trường được gọi là chất gây dị ứng, các phản ứng này xảy ra nhanh chóng và có thể dự đoán được. Nội dung của cuốn sách sẽ phân tích chi tiết từ các loại dị ứng đến các tác nhân dị ứng, từ cơ chế khởi phát từ cấp độ cơ thể cho tới tế bào, kháng nguyên và kháng thể cho đến sinh hóa học cấp độ phân tử....
Introduction to the immune response:
The immune system has evolved to play a pivotal role in host defence against infection as without a functioning immune system individuals would be predisposed to develop a variety of infections from viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and multicellular parasites. The key components of a wellfunctioning immune system include the ability to generate both innate and adaptive immune responses (Fig. 1.1). The innate immune system comprises cellular elements that are both resident in tissues (i. E. Epithelium, macrophages, mast cells) For a rapid response and circulating leukocytes that are recruited from the blood stream (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, mononuclear cells, natural killer (NK) Cells, and NK T cells). In addition to the cellular response the innate immune system has humoral elements (complement, antimicrobial peptides, mannose-binding lectin), which provides a mechanism for an immediate response to infection that is not antigen specific and does not have immunological memory. In contrast, the adaptive immune response generated by its component T and B cells is slower to respond to infections (taking days) But has the advantage of exhibiting antigen specificity and immunological memory. A malfunctioning immune system may lead not only to immunodeficiency with recurrent infections, but also to autoimmunity and allergic diseases. In this chapter, we focus on the cellular and molecular mechanisms through which an aberrant immune response to low levels of otherwise innocuous and ubiquitous environmental exposures such as airborne grass pollens or ingested foods may trigger a range of allergic responses from chronic symptoms affecting quality of life to acute severe allergic reactions that are life threatening.
Overview of the allergic immune response:
Allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, and food allergy are characterized by the ability to make an IgE antibody response to an environmental allergen. There is both a strong genetic (see Ch. 2) As well as environmental contribution to the development of allergic disease (see Chs 3 and 4). Immunoglobulin E (IgE) -mediated allergic responses most frequently occur on mucosal (nose, conjunctiva, airway, gastrointestinal tract) Or skin surfaces as these anatomical sites contain high levels of mast cells to which IgE is affixed.
1 Introduction to mechanisms of allergic disease
2 The genetic basis of allergy and asthma
3 Early life origins of allergy and asthma
4 Epidemiology of allergy and asthma
5 Allergens and air pollutants
6 Principles of allergy diagnosis
7 Principles of pharmacotherapy
8 Allergen-specific immunotherapy
9 Asthma
10 Allergic rhinitis and rhinosinusitis
11 Allergic conjunctivitis
12 Urticaria and angioedema without wheals
13 Atopic dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis
14 Food allergy and gastrointestinal syndromes
15 Occupational allergy
16 Drug hypersensitivity
17 Anaphylaxis
18 Paediatric allergy and asthma
19 Eosinophilia: clinical manifestations and therapeutic options
20 Systemic mastocytosis*
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