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Ebook Y Dược học: Anesthesia and Analgesia in Dermatologic Surgery (Gây mê và Giảm đau trong Phẫu thuật Da liễu)






Tên sách: Anesthesia and Analgesia in Dermatologic Surgery (tạm dịch: Gây mê và Giảm đau trong Phẫu thuật Da liễu).

Tác giả: Alan R. Shalita, David A. Norris.

NXB: Informa Healthcare USA (2008).

Số trang: 230.

Cuốn sách được chia làm 10 chương sẽ cung cấp những kiến thức, những kinh nghiệm trong kỹ thuật gây mê và giảm đau sử dụng trong các phẫu thuật da liễu. Đây là một khâu vô cùng quan trọng trước bất cứ ca phẫu thuật nào, giảm thiểu sự đau đớn và nỗi sợ hãi cho các bệnh nhân trong và sau quá trình phẫu thuật, góp phần giúp cho bệnh nhân có tâm sinh lý tốt trong quá trình hồi phục vết thương....

Anesthesia and Analgesia in Dermatologic Surgery Cover


Anesthesia and analgesia are exceptionally important therapeutic tools. Their preeminence in pain control for dermatologic surgery is underscored by their widespread use. Without availability of anesthesia and analgesia, much of dermatologic surgery considered routine today would be difficult or impossible to perform.

This book is designed for practitioners of dermatologic surgery who use anesthesia and analgesia on a daily basis throughout their professional careers. It may also be of interest to certain physicians, who are called upon to administer anesthesia and analgesia for skin problems.

Dermatologists have always been at the forefront of new developments for treating the skin and doing so in the least painful fashion. We do so many procedures each day on fully awake patients with minimal discomfort.

The text has been prepared to be comprehensive, providing the basic concepts needed to fully understand the drugs and techniques and how they work, with step-by-step descriptions of the various techniques. Until very recently, a book dealing with the combined subjects of anesthesia and analgesia for dermatologic surgery was not available. The purpose of producing such a volume is to make available concentrated information on particular aspects of these subjects.

In this book we have attempted to draw together the current state of knowledge on all aspects of topical anesthesia. In the past, most topical anesthetics were only able to penetrate mucosal surfaces. With the development of the eutectic mixture that penetrates through intact skin, we have been able to provide effective analgesia for a wide range of superficial surgical procedures, including the harvesting of split skin grafts, laser surgery, electrosurgery, epilation, and skin biopsy.



Series Introduction



1. Local Anesthetics and Anesthetic Solutions: Classification, Mode of Action and Dosages

Eckart Haneke

2. Vasoconstrictors: Chemistry, Mode of Action, and Dosage

Paul O. Larson

3. Topical Anesthetics

S. ’t Kint and D. Roseeuw

4. Local Infiltration Anesthesia

Christie T. Ammirati and George J. Hruza

5. Regional Anesthesia

Conway C. Huang

6. Tumescent Anesthesia

William B. Henghold and Brent R. Moody

7. Local Anesthesia for Children

Thierry Pirotte and Francis Veyckemans

8. Iontophoresis for Local Anesthesia

William T. Zempsky

9. Use of Nitrous Oxide in Hair Transplantation Surgery

Neil S. Sadick

10. Moderate Sedation in Dermatologic Surgery

Omar Torres, Dwight Scarborough, and Emil Bisaccia



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