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Sách chuyên ngành Y Dược học: Atlas of Dermatology in Internal Medicine (Tập bản đồ về Y học da liễu)






Tên sách: Atlas of Dermatology in Internal Medicine (tạm dịch: Tập bản đồ về Y học da liễu).

Tác giả: Néstor P. Sánchez.

NXB: Springer (2012).

Thông số: 163 trang; 9 chương chính.

Các bệnh về da liễu là những chứng bệnh thường không gây ảnh hưởng quá lớn tới sức khỏe của con người, tuy nhiên tác động của chúng tới thẩm mỹ cũng như cuộc sống sinh hoạt hàng ngày là không thể phủ nhận. Cuốn atlas này sẽ cung cấp cho độc giả những kiến thức, hiểu biết tiến bộ và chuyên sâu nhất về chuyên ngành Y học da liễu, từ các bệnh thường gặp cho tới bệnh da liễu nguy hiểm, cách chẩn đoán và phương pháp điều trị....

Atlas of Dermatology in Internal Medicine Cover

Atlas of Dermatology in Internal Medicine Preview 1

Atlas of Dermatology in Internal Medicine Preview 2


Dermatology is a fascinating fi eld based in the skills of clinical observation and clinicopatho- logic correlation to diagnose diseases. We wish to bring the art and science of dermatology into a practical resource. In this spirit, we created Atlas of Dermatology in Internal Medicine. Skin refl ects the health of the body and its diseases are often a manifestation of systemic conditions. To know skin disorders is of paramount importance for other specialties. We are committed to creating an excellent tool to assist in the diagnosis and management of common cutaneous manifestations of systemic diseases. Atlas of Dermatology in Internal Medicine is organized to refl ect current knowledge in dermatology relevant to Internal Medicine. It provides a comprehensive review and updated information on the diagnosis and treatment of common cutaneous manifestations of systemic diseases. To facilitate the diagnosis of frequently encountered skin diseases, a gallery of illus- trations combined with disease descriptions and their current therapeutic information are included. This book welcomes internists and other specialists in medicine interested in learn- ing more about clinical dermatology. We are proud to present our work. We hope this text will provide a timely addition to the fi eld of Internal Medicine. We would like to thank the authors who contributed in this book.


Cutaneous Manifestations of Connective Tissue Diseases

Cutaneous Manifestations of Pulmonary Disease

Cutaneous Manifestations of Renal Disease

Cutaneous Manifestations of Gastrointestinal Diseases

Cutaneous Manifestations of Common Endocrine Disease

Cutaneous Manifestations of Internal Malignancy and Paraneoplastic Syndromes

Cutaneous Manifestations of Infectious Diseases

Cutaneous Manifestations of HIV Disease

Cutaneous Disorders in the Intensive Care Unit



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