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Sách chuyên ngành Y Dược: Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia Second Edition (Hướng dẫn Gây tê vùng bằng Siêu âm - Bản 2)






Tiêu đề: Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia Second Edition (tạm dịch: Hướng dẫn Gây tê vùng bằng Siêu âm - Bản 2).

Tác giả: Andrew T. Gray.

NXB: Elsevier Saunders (2013).

Thông số: 288 trang - 33 chương chính.

Gây tê trong Y học là một ứng dụng phổ biến trong hầu hết các ca phẫu thuật hiện đại. Cuốn sách này sẽ đi sâu vào hướng dẫn cho độc giả những kỹ thuật về gây tê vùng thông qua việc sử dụng hình ảnh siêu âm. Những kiến thức mà cuốn sách đem lại rất bổ ích và phù hợp cho các học viên cũng như bác sĩ trong chuyên ngành này. Sách bản đẹp, mục lục tự động, hình ảnh rõ nét và tính tương thích với các thiết bị đọc tốt.

Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia Cover

Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia Preview 1

Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia Preview 2

Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia Preview 3


This new edition highlights developments within the rapidly changing ield of ultrasoundguided regional anesthesia. We hope to provide concise review of techniques that will improve our clinical practice along with the background that forms the foundation for these approaches. Now included are summary tables of the more common regional blocks, with step-by-step instruction for quick reference. Admittedly, approaches to regional anesthesia with ultrasound are somewhat arbitrary, but it is good education to have a starting point and some reasons why such an approach is successful and safe. The igure labeling has been revised to be less intrusive so as not to obscure underlying details. One of the biggest challenges when learning ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia is to understand the structures that lie near but outside the plane of imaging. Long-axis views and 3-D imaging are used to give the big picture of the surrounding anatomy.

Chapters from the irst edition have been extensively revised. Several have been rewritten (infraclavicular, neuraxial, and cervical plexus blocks) To relect advances from the most important articles in the past 3 years. There are four new chapters of blocking techniques (fascia iliaca, anterior sciatic nerve, transversus abdominis plane, and stellate ganglion) That are increasingly popular and guided by the soft tissue information that ultrasound imaging provides. In addition to the ten videos of the irst edition, there are ive new online videos (cervical plexus, infraclavicular, fascia iliaca, transversus abdominis plane (TAP), and neuraxial blocks) That accompany the atlas. Ultrasound is a wonderful tool for discovery, and the atlas strives to convey the essentials for safe and effective regional anesthesia.

Special thanks and gratitude are due to Robin Stackhouse, MD, who worked on the photography for blocks; Susan Yoo, MD, who worked on video production; Armando Leiva, who organized materials for print; And Tanya Domingo, who worked on the equipment for direct nerve imaging.


Front Matter



Video Contents

1. Ultrasound

2. Speed of Sound

3. Attenuation

4. Reflection

5. Beam Width (Slice Thickness)

6. Anisotropy

7. Spatial Compound Imaging

8. Doppler Imaging

9. Ultrasound Transducers

10. Transducer Manipulation

11. Needle Imaging

12. Approach and Techniques

13. Sonographic Signs of Successful Injections

14. Ultrasound-Guided Catheter Placement for Peripheral Nerve Blocks

15. Three-Dimensional Ultrasound

16. Anatomic Structures

17. Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue

18. Peripheral Nerves

19. Tendons

20. Arteries

21. Veins

22. Bone

23. Pleura

24. Peritoneum

25. Lymph Nodes

26. Supraclavicular Nerve Block

27. Interscalene and Supraclavicular Blocks

28. Phrenic Nerve Imaging

29. Dorsal Scapular Nerve Imaging

30. Suprascapular Nerve Block

31. Infraclavicular Block

32. Axillary Block

33. Musculocutaneous Nerve Block

34. Forearm Blocks

35. Radial Nerve Block

36. Median Nerve Block

37. Ulnar Nerve Block

38. Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Block

39. Fascia Iliaca Block

40. Femoral Nerve Block

41. Saphenous Nerve Block

42. Obturator Nerve Block

43. Sciatic Nerve Block

44. Anterior Sciatic Nerve Block

45. Popliteal Block

46. Ankle Block

47. Deep Peroneal Nerve Block

48. Superficial Peroneal Nerve Block

49. Sural Nerve Block

50. Tibial Nerve Block

51. Intercostal Nerve Block

52. Rectus Sheath Block

53. Ilioinguinal Nerve Block

54. Transversus Abdominis Plane Block

55. Neuraxial Block

56. Caudal Epidural Block

57. Mental Nerve Block

58. Superior Laryngeal Nerve Block

59. Great Auricular Nerve Block

60. Cervical Plexus Block

61. Stellate Ganglion Block (Cervicothoracic Sympathetic Ganglion Block)

62. Adverse Events

63. Intravascular Injections

64. Intraneural Injections

65. Pneumothorax and Other Chest Pathology


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