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Sách giáo khoa Y học: Aminoff's Electrodiagnosis in Clinical Neurology Sixth Edition (Điện chẩn đoán lâm sàng trong Thần kinh học - Bản 6)






Tên sách: Aminoff's Electrodiagnosis in Clinical Neurology Sixth Edition (Điện chẩn đoán lâm sàng trong Thần kinh học)

Tác giả: Michael J. Aminoff

NXB: Elsevier Saunders (2012)

Thông số: 813 trang, 36 chương chính

Sách giáo trình này sẽ cung cấp cho độc giả, các nhà nghiên cứu, các bác sĩ chẩn đoán và điều trị những kiến thức chuyên sâu nhất về công nghệ điện chẩn đoán trong thần kinh học, bao gồm các lý thuyết cơ bản, cách sử dụng các công cụ, máy móc chẩn đoán cũng như phương pháp chẩn đoán qua hình ảnh....

Aminoff's Electrodiagnosis in Clinical Neurology Sixth Edition -  Điện chẩn đoán lâm sàng Thần kinh học Bản 6

Electrodiagnosis in Clinical Neurology Preview 1

Electrodiagnosis in Clinical Neurology Preview 2


Electrophysiologic techniques provide an important means of investigating the function of the nervous system in health and disease and of defining the pathophysio-logic relevance of the anatomic abnormalities that are often defined so exquisitely by neuroimaging procedures. They also make it possible to distinguish between disor-ders that clinically may resemble each other, to recognize disorders at a preclinical or subclinical stage, and to monitor disease progression or the functional integrity of different parts of the nervous system during proce-dures that put them at risk. In addition, the electrophys-iologic findings have been incorporated into a number of disease classifications. Both neurologists and clinical neurophysiologists therefore need to keep abreast of ad-vances in the field to ensure that testing is used appropri-ately, interpreted correctly, and performed optimally, and that regulatory or recommended standards are met. This volume encompasses the latest advances in the field while providing details of the basic principles of the various electrophysiologic techniques in current use for neurologic purposes. The electrophysiologic find-ings are integrated with the clinical context in which they are obtained to ensure that their significance is appreci-ated. Common artifacts are described to ensure that they are not misinterpreted.

Over the last 50 years, electrodiagnosis has evolved from an obscure and somewhat erudite field into an established subspecialty (clinical neurophysiology) That is an integral part of clinical neurology, with its own jour-nals, professional societies, national and international conferences, and testing organizations. It would be erro-neous, however, to conclude that the specialty, with its established clinical role, is no longer at the forefront of medical advances, having yielded its place to neuroimag-ing, neuroimmunology, and molecular biology. Indeed, nothing could be further from the truth. New techniques such as nerve excitability studies using threshold track-ing, microneurography, neuromuscular ultrasonogra-phy, and methods of studying cranial nerve reflexes have increased the scope of the electrodiagnostic examination and provided new insights into disease mechanisms, in some instances at the ionic level, and into treatment strategies. The refinement of evoked-potential techniques to study the function of small fibers in the pe-ripheral nervous system and the development of a more comprehensive approach to the evaluation of the visual system, using multifocal as well as full-field visual evoked potentials, combined with various ancillary techniques, promise to extend the diagnostic scope, utility, and reli-ability of these electrophysiologic methods of evaluating portions of the nervous system. New surgical treatments for epilepsy and certain movement disorders have not only extended the role of clinical neurophysiologists in guiding operative intervention but have provided them with remarkable opportunities for gaining fresh insights into the operation of the nervous system by electrophys-iologic studies. Magnetic stimulation, once a research technique, is developing not only an important diagnos-tic role but also a place for itself in the therapy of certain neurologic disorders. A number of other electrophysio-logic techniques, previously regarded essentially as inves-tigative tools with limited clinical relevance, have now gained importance in the evaluation and management of patients with neurologic disease.


Chapter 1. The Emergence of Electrophysiology as an Aid to Neurology

Chapter 2. Electrophysiologic Equipment and Electrical Safety

Chapter 3. Electroencephalography

Chapter 4. Neonatal and Pediatric Electroencephalography

Chapter 5. Electroencephalographic Artifacts and Benign Variants

Chapter 6. Video-EEG Monitoring for Epilepsy

Chapter 7. Invasive Clinical Neurophysiology in Epilepsy and Movement Disorders

Chapter 8. Topographic Mapping, Frequency Analysis, and Other Quantitative Techniques in Electroencephalography

Chapter 9. Intraoperative Electroencephalographic Monitoring During Carotid Endarterectomy and Cardiac Surgery

Chapter 10. Magnetoencephalography

Chapter 11. Clinical Electromyography

Chapter 12. Quantitative Electromyography

Chapter 13. Nerve Conduction Studies

Chapter 14. Microneurography and its Potential Clinical Applications

Chapter 15. Nerve Excitability: A Clinical Translation

Chapter 16. Neuromuscular Ultrasound as a Complement to the Electrodiagnostic Evaluation

Chapter 17. Electrophysiologic Study of Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission

Chapter 18. H-Reflex and F-Response Studies

Chapter 19. The Blink Reflex and Other Cranial Nerve Reflexes

Chapter 20. Electrophysiologic Evaluation of Movement Disorders

Chapter 21. Evaluation of the Autonomic Nervous System

Chapter 22. Visual Evoked Potentials, Electroretinography, and Other Diagnostic Approaches to the Visual System

Chapter 23. Visual Evoked Potentials in Infants and Children

Chapter 24. Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials: Methodology, Interpretation, and Clinical Application

Chapter 25. Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials in Infants and Children

Chapter 26. Somatosensory Evoked Potentials

Chapter 27. Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Infants and Children

Chapter 28. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Role of Magnetic Stimulation in Neurology

Chapter 29. Event-Related Potentials

Chapter 30. Intraoperative Monitoring by Evoked Potential Techniques

Chapter 31. Electrophysiologic Evaluation of Sacral Function

Chapter 32. Tests of Vestibular Function

Chapter 33. Polysomnographic Evaluation of Sleep Disorders

Chapter 34. Electrophysiologic Evaluation of Patients in the Intensive Care Unit

Chapter 35. Electrophysiologic Evaluation of Brain Death

Chapter 36. Electrophysiologic Techniques in the Evaluation of Patients with Suspected Neurotoxic Disorders


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