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Sách giáo khoa Y học: A Textbook of Postpartum Hemorrhage (Giáo trình về băng huyết sau sinh)







Tiêu đề sách: A Textbook of Postpartum Hemorrhage (tạm dịch: Giáo trình về băng huyết sau sinh)

Tác giả: Christopher B.Lynch - Louis G. Keith - André B. Lalonde - Mahantesh Karoshi

NXB: Sapiens Publishing (10/2006)

Số  trang: 497

Cuốn sách được chia làm mười phần đề cập chi tiết về tình trạng băng huyết sau sinh - một tai biến đáng sợ đối với các sản phụ và bác sĩ sản khoa, từ nguyên nhân, mức độ nguy hiểm cho tới phương pháp xử lý cũng như phòng tránh rủi ro này....


This book, launched at the Presidential Symposium at the XVIII World Congress of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) In 2006 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, marks an important day in the battle for improved treatment possibilities for postpartum hemorrhage. Beginning in October 2003 at the World Congress in Santiago, Chile, FIGO launched an international effort with other partners and donors to develop strategies to prevent postpartum hemorrhage and, in the cases where it still occurred, to identify effective medical and surgical treatments.

There is no controversy about the need for prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage. Recent evidence from the World Health Organization strongly suggested that deaths due to postpartum hemorrhage were underestimated and could reach as high as 40% of all maternal mortality in some African countries as well as South Africa, South-East Asia and Latin America. Indeed, postpartum hemorrhage is the cause of close to 50% of maternal mortality in Guatemala and Afghanistan.

In the last 25 years, the world has seen only minimal progress in low-resource countries to reduce the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage and the resulting maternal mortality and morbidity. This new book is part of a world-wide effort to prevent postpartum hemorrhage and offer new perspectives in the medical and surgical treatment options. The first and foremost problem that is addressed is the lack of definition and the difficulty in assessing blood loss during delivery. Amazing as it may sound, blood loss is most often underestimated, and the clinical evaluation is very inaccurate.

In the second section of the book, causation is presented, from basic physiology to obstetric trauma. The third section discusses the entire issue of prevention, with an excellent description of the active management of the third stage of labor and how this initiative, undertaken by a number of partners, including the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), FIGO and the Prevention of Postpartum Haemorrhage Initiative (POPPHI), is beginning to make a difference in many countries. Misoprostol and its use for prevention and treatment are outlined and this will bring the discussion to the forefront on why this low-cost alternative is not more widely used.

Lacerations and trauma following spontaneous instrument delivery are highlighted as well as the management of adherent placenta. Coagulation disorders and disseminated intravascular coagulation are fully reviewed, with a strong chapter on therapy with factor VIIa. Therapy for uterine atony is well illustrated, with a proposal for a postpartum hemorrhage tray in order for midwives and physicians to be prepared for this emergency. In addition, the B-Lynch brace suture is described by the surgeon who first demonstrated its utility. Other new procedures, such as intrauterine tamponade and conservative surgical therapy, are also proposed in detail, with a call for more clinical research about these possible low-cost-effective therapies.

A Textbook of Postpartum Hemorrhage - Giáo trình về băng huyết sau sinh


Section I: Demographic and logistical considerations

Section II: Causation

Section III: General preventive measures

Section IV: Special preventive measures: misoprostol in action

Section V: Hospital preparation

Section VI: Therapy for non-atonic conditions

Section VII: Therapy for atony

Section VIII: Consequences of postpartum hemorrhage

Section IX: Special experiences and unusual circumstances

Section X: National experiences




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