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Giáo trình Y Dược: Bioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for Liver and Gastrointestinal Disease (Sử dụng thực phẩm hoạt tính để can thiệp vào bệnh gan và tiêu hóa)






Tên sách: Bioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for Liver and Gastrointestinal Disease (tạm dịch: Sử dụng thực phẩm hoạt tính để can thiệp vào bệnh gan và tiêu hóa).

Tác giả: Ronald Watson - Victor Preedy.

NXB: Elsevier (2013).

Thông số: 757 trang - 48 chương chính.

Ngày nay, bệnh về đường tiêu hóa mà đặc biệt là về gan ngày một trở nên phổ biến do lối sống hiện đại, ô nhiễm môi trường, hóa chất thực phẩm, v.v... Việc điều trị những căn bệnh này bằng phương pháp vô cơ truyền thống thường kéo dài và để lại nhiều ảnh hưởng tiêu cực tới sức khỏe của bệnh nhân. Vì vậy, các tác giả đã đúc kết kinh nghiệm và kiến thức của mình vào cuốn sách này nhằm đưa ra những phương pháp nhằm can thiệp và hỗ trợ cho quá trình điều trị các bệnh tiêu hóa và gan mật bằng thực phẩm hoạt tính sinh học. Sách bản đẹp, mục lục tự động, trình bày khoa học, tương thích tốt với hầu hết các thiết bị đọc hiện nay.

Bioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for Liver and Gastrointestinal Cover


Optimum functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal systems is critical for health. They are critical for the digestion and absorption of nutrients and foods to produce growth. Nutrient and non-nutrients are important modulators of the liver function. The symp-toms related to liver dysfunction include both physical signs and symptoms of abnormal absorption of fat, changes in blood sugar, and altered metabolism. This book provides evidence that foods and their compounds can modify some of these diseases. Expert reviews are provided on liver function as people mature and mechanisms of fatty liver as modified wild and bioactive foods for hepato-protection and digestion. The data supporting actions of bioactive, and especially Chinese foods, to prevent and treat liver diseases are defined by experts. Specific individual foods and herbs have shown specific liver disease benefits including: betal leaf, selected Indian herbs, gooseberries, and curcu-min. Non-botanical materials in reviews show promise, including probiotics. In defining mechanisms including antioxidant capacity of antocyanins, extracts of pomegranate and medicinal plants as well as specifically their carotenoids show benefits in modifying liver function in reviews. Phytochemicals’ involvement in liver and gastrointestinal health is concisely defined.

More diverse information is provided about bioactive foods in the therapy of gastro-intestinal diseases and functions, which are many and important in health. In this book the gastrointestinal focuses on the stomach and intestine. It releases hormones that help reg-ulate the digestive process and is subject to many diseases and problems. An overview reviews functional assessment of gastrointestinal tract function and alkaline in digestive health. Reviews generally define the protective effects of bioactive botanical foods. The human microbiome diseases are defined in a metagenomic approach. Specific classes and types of foods are reviewed for selected gastrointestinal diseases. For example, a chap-ter defines the role of milk bacteria in gastrointestinal allergies. Then selected reviews of prebiotics and probiotics documented their value in irritable bowel syndrome, mucosal immunity, and viral infections. Their lactic acid and its stimulation of folate production are reviewed as mechanisms of probiotic gastrointestinal health. The actions of non-bioactive fiber on bowel health are reviewed. Several additional reviews focus on poly-saccharides from soy sauce and fiber from apples, sources readily available to the public. Dietary fibers and cholelithiasis are shown to be important in lipid lowering. Specific small molecules and defined substances are important in gastrointestinal health. Omega 3 fatty acids are shown to be an interesting story of biotechnology leading to health. One review describes fatty acids in inflammatory bowel diseases. Black plum has a long research history, which is summarized on its phytochemicals in health, as do bioactive polyphenols on other mucosal diseases of the lung. Indian plants have a historical appli-cation to health such as spices in treatment of ulcerative colitis. Ginger and basil are reviewed as an ancient remedy, while another expert gives an overview of medicinal plants in gastrointestinal diseases. Finally not all bioactive materials are safe. Therefore the dangers of herbal weight loss supplements and alcohol on gastrointestinal functions are reviewed. Bioactive foods however, as reviewed, appear to have a role in preventing the epidemic on non-communicable diseases. Clearly bioactive herbs, foods and their extracts can play key roles in liver function and gastrointestinal health.


The Alkaline Way in Digestive Health

Functional Assessment of Gastrointestinal Health

Antioxidants in inflammatory bowel disease; Ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease

Omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and inflammatory bowel diseases

Alcohol and gastrointestinal tract function

Dangerous Herbal Weight Loss Supplements

Milk bacteria: Role in treating GI allergies

Nutritional functions of polysaccharides from soy sauce in the gastrointestinal tract

Nutrition, Dietary Fibers and Cholelithiasis. Cholelithiasis, lipid lowering

Indian medicinal plants and spices in the prevention and treatment of ulcerative colitis

Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) an ancient remedy and modern drug in gastrointestinal disorders

The role of microbiota and probiotics on the gastrointestinal health: prevention of pathogen infections

Probiotics and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Antioxidant, luteolin exhibits anti-inflammatory effect in in vitro gut-inflammation model


Folate production by lactic acid bacteria

Probiotics against digestive tract viral infections

Probiotic bacteria as Mucosal immune system adjuvant

Medicinal plants as remedies for gastrointestinal ailments and diseases: a review

Review on the gastrointestinal protective effects of the indegeneous Indian medicinal plant Bael (Aegle marmelos Correa)

Gastrointestinal and Hepatoprotective effects of Ocimum sanctum L. Syn (Holy basil or Tulsi): validation of the ethnomedicinal observation

Turmeric (Curcuma longa L) the golden curry spice as a non-toxic gastroprotective agent: a review

Nutrition, Dietary Fibers and Cholelithiasis: Apple pulp, fibers, clinical trials

Gastrointestinal protective effects of Eugenia jambolana LAM.  (black plum) and its phytochemicals: a concise review

Plant sterols and artery disease

Preventing The Diet Induced Disease Epidemic: An Overview

Prickly Pear Cactus (“nopal”) for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus

Carotenoids: Liver diseases and prevention

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Early Life Nutritional Programming: Lessons from the Avian Model

Prebiotics, Probiotics and Health Promotion: an Overview



Antioxidant capacity of pomegranate juices and their role in its biological activities

Anti-Inflammatory Actions of Pycnogenol: Diabetes and Arthritis

Dietary Bioactive Functional Polyphenols in Chronic Lung Diseases

Antioxidant capacity of medicinal plants

Chinese herbal products in the prevention and treatment of liver disease

Bioactive Foods and Supplements for protection against Liver Diseases

The role of prebiotics in GI and liver diseases

The role of curcumin in GI and liver diseases

TLRs and intestinal immune tolerance

Psychological mechanisms of dietary change in adulthood

Biochemical Mechanisms of Fatty Liver and Role of Bioactive Foods: Fatty Liver, Diagnosis, Nutrition Therapy, Herbs

Hepatoprotective effects of Zingiber officinale Roscoe (ginger): a review

Betel leaf (Piper betel Linn), a wrongly maligned medicinal and dietary plant possess potent gastrointestinal and hepatoprotective effects

Hepatoprotective effects of Picroliv, the ethanolic extract fraction of the endangered Indian medicinal plant Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex. Benth

Scientific validation of the hepatoprotective effects of the Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis Gaertn): A review

Biochemical Mechanisms of Fatty Liver and Bioactive Foods: Wild foods, Bioactive Foods, Clinical trials in Hepatoprotection

Phytochemicals are effective in the prevention of ethanol-induced hepatotoxicity: preclinical observations


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