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Giáo trình Y học: Atlas of Colonoscopy (Tập bản đồ về nội soi)






Tên sách: Atlas of Colonoscopy (Tập bản đồ về nội soi).

Tác giả: Helmut Messmann.

NXB: Thieme (2005).

Số trang: 250.

Nội dung cuốn sách được trình bày tuần tự theo 4 phần và 24 chương chính sẽ chủ yếu đề cập tới phương pháp nội soi trong y học, từ các kiến thức kinh nghiệm cho tới phương pháp, công cụ và kỹ thuật. Sách bản đẹp, hình ảnh rõ ràng, mục lục tự động và tương thích với hầu hết các thiết bị đọc.

Atlas of Colonoscopy Cover

Atlas of Colonoscopy Preview 1

Atlas of Colonoscopy Preview 2


Flexible colonoscopy is now nearly fifty years old. In 1957, the first attempts at constructing a flexible colonoscope were made in Japan by Matsunaga and Hirosaki.

Now, almost half a century later, colonoscopy has become a vital part of gastroenterology. Advancements in recent years—especially in chip technology—have led to previously unseen standards in image quality, which continues to gain in impor-tance, especially in combination with new staining techniques. In addition to the enormous significance of diagnostic colonos-copy, interventional colonoscopy also plays a major role in gastroenterological endoscopy. New techniques have enabled the removal of increasingly larger polyps by means of mu-cosectomy, without the need for surgical intervention. Measures for achieving hemostasis, managing anastomotic leakages, and placing decompression tubes are also part of a more conserva-tive approach using minimally invasive endoscopy, and increas-ingly avoiding surgical intervention.

The endoscopy team at the Augsburg Clinic in Augsburg, Germany performs more than 13 000 endoscopies per year, including a large number of interventions, providing us with a wealth of experience to draw on and the source of inspiration for writing this book. Additionally, we used only the latest equip-ment in creating this book—including zoom endoscopy—in order to produce pictures of superior image quality.

This book is aimed at health-care professionals who are in-terested in learning more about colonoscopy. However, it also of interest for the experienced gastroenterologist who is already familiar with colonoscopy, providing useful tips and tricks or-ganized by experienced physicians in an informative and in-structive manner. It is my hope that we can provide our readers with a good atlas, filled with numerous interesting findings and pictures, to support learning and further education in the area of colonoscopy.

We hope you enjoy reading this volume and look forward to receiving any comments or suggestions that may assist us in continuing to offer our colleagues a top-quality book.


I General information

1 General information regarding examination

2 Basic examination technique and colonoscopy workstation

3 Modern endoscopy techniques

II Normal examination procedure and non-pathological findings

4 Before the examination

5 Inserting the endoscope and advancing it in the colon

6 Normal appearance of the intestinal segments

7 Normal postoperative appearances

III Pathological findings

8 Diverticulosis and diverticulitis

9 Polyps and polyposis syndrome

10 Malignancies

11 Submucosal tumors

12 Colitis ứ chronic inflammatory bowel syndrome and other inflammatory bowel diseases

13 Acute and chronic lower gastrointestinal bleeding

14 Vascular malformations and other vascular lesions

15 Melanosis coli

16 Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome

17 Rare diagnoses and disorders

IV Endoscopic intervention

18 Polypectomy and mucosectomy

19 Interventional treatment of tumors

20 Hemostasis

21 Therapeutic treatment of benign stenoses

22 Fistulas and post-operative endoscopic repair

23 Removing foreign objects

24 Decompression tubes for lumen dilation



1. American Society For Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Complications of colonoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc 2003; 57: 441–5.

2. Ayliffe G. Nosocomial infections associated with endoscopy. In: Mayhall G (ed.). Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 1999, pp. 881–95.

3. Cappell MS. Safety and efficacy of colonoscopy after myocardial infarction: An analysis of 100 study patients and 100 control patients at tertiary cardiac referral hospitals. Gastrointest. Endoscopy 2004; 60: 901-9.

4. Dafnis G, Ekbom A, Pahlmann L, Blomqvist P. Complications of diagnostic and therapeutic colonoscopy within a defined population in Sweden. Gastrointest Endosc 2001; 54: 302-9.

5. Farley DR, Bannon MP, Ziellow SP, Pauberlon JH, Illstrup DM, Larson DR. Management of colonoscopy perforations. Mayo Clin Proc 1997; 72: 729–33.

6. Ferlitsch A, Glauninger P, Gupper A et al. Evaluation of a virtual endoscopy simulator for training in gastrointestinal endoscopy. Endoscopy 2002; 34: 698–702.

7. Hochberger J, Maiss J, Hahn EG. The use of simulators for Training in GI Endoscopy. Endoscopy 2002; 34: 727–9.

8. Lazzaroni M, Bianchi Porro G. Preparation, Premedication and Surveillance. Endoscopy 2003; 35: 103–11.

9. Leiò O, Beilenhoff U, Bader L, Jung M, Exner M. Leitlinien zur Aufbereitung flexibler Endoskope und endoskopischen Zusatzinstrumentariums im internationalen Vergleich. Z Gastroenterol 2002; 40: 531–42.

10. Levin TR, Conell C, Shapiro JA, Chazan SG, Nadel MR, Selby JV. Complications of screening flexible sigmoidoscopy. Gastroenterology 2002; 123: 1786–92.

11. Liebermann DA, Weiò DG, Bond JH, Ahnen DJ et al. Use of colonoscopy to screen asymptomatic adults for colorectal cancer. New Engl J Med 2000; 343: 162–8.

12. Rey JF et al. ESGE/ESGENA Technical note on cleaning and disinfection. Endoscopy 2003; 35: 869-877.

13. RKI-Empfehlungen “Anforderungen an die Hygiene bei der Aufbereitung flexibler Endoskope und endoskopischen Zusatzinstrumentariums ”, Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz 2002; 45: 395–411.

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15. Seeff LC et al. Is there endoscopy capacity to provide colorectal cancer screening to the unscreened population in the united states? Gastroenterology 2004; 127: 1661-1669.

16. Watanabe H, Narasaka T, Uezu T. Colonfiberoscopy. Stomach, Intestine 1971; 6: 1333–6.

17. Winawer SJ, Zauber AG, Ho MN, O’Brien MJ et al. Prevention of colorectal cancer by colonoscopic polypectomy. New Engl J Med 1993; 329: 1977–81.


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