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Sách giáo khoa Y Dược học: Autoimmune Diseases in Endocrinology (Bệnh tự miễn trong Nội tiết học)






Tên sách: Autoimmune Diseases in Endocrinology (tạm dịch: Bệnh tự miễn trong Nội tiết học).

Tác giả: Anthony P. Weetman.

NXB: Human Press (2008).

Thông số: 435 trang - 4 chương chính.

Nội dung cuốn sách sẽ đem đến cho độc giả những kiến thức chuyên môn về bệnh tự miễn - tình trạng bệnh lý xảy ra do bộ máy miễn dịch mất khả năng phân biệt các kháng nguyên bên ngoài và tự kháng nguyên. Cuốn sách chủ yếu tập trung phân tích vào cơ chế hoạt động cũng như phương pháp khắc phục hội chứng này dựa trên những cơ sở khoa học tiên tiến nhất.

Autoimmune Diseases in Endocrinology Cover


It was a real pleasure to be asked to edit Autoimmune Diseases in Endocrinology by the Series Editor, P. Michael Conn. As a contributor to the last volume in this series that addressed the subject, Autoimmune Endocrinopathies, edited by Bob Volpé and published in 1999, I was proud to be asked to write a chapter in an outstanding volume of essays on the important topic of autoimmunity and endocrine disease. The present volume will, I hope, be a useful update on what has happened in the intervening eight years. Sadly Bob Volpé died two years ago and I would like to join the many others who have mourned his passing. I remember as a medical student in Newcastle-upon-Tyne this renowned figure in the field visiting us and giving the most impressive lecture I had then heard. Bob’s ability to enthuse people and to challenge dogma have been as important as his scientific contributions, and we all owe him a great deal in the development in this field.

Another reason I was delighted to undertake this task was the fact that last year saw the 50th anniversary of the discovery of autoimmunity, with the initial description by Rose & Witebsky of thyroglobulin antibodies and thyroiditis in rabbits immunized with thyroid extract (1), followed in the same year by the description of thyroglobulin antibodies in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (2). This was indeed an annus mirabilis because at the same time Adams and Purves described a substance in the serum of Graves’ disease patients, which turned out to stimulate the thyroid in a fashion totally different to TSH (3). This long acting thyroid stimulator was later shown independently by Kriss and McKenzie to be an IgG and of course this was a thyroid-stimulating antibody, directed against the TSH receptor, which is the cause of Graves’ disease. The initial description of this stimulator appeared in the local medical school journal, something I think that would be unlikely in these days of impact factors and citation indices, but reminds us that highly significant developments can start from simple and apparently modest origins. So I hope that this volume is a celebration of the first half century of discoveries in the field of autoimmunity, and I am particularly pleased that Noel Rose, who has done so much in the discovery and elucidation of autoimmune phenomena, is a contributor to the present volume.

I have grouped the chapters in a somewhat different way to Autoimmune Endocrinopathies, and I have also asked an (almost) Entirely different group of colleagues to contribute. This is not merely to provide a different perspective but also to give an introduction to what is an increasingly complex field. It is impossible in a book of this size to cover the complexities of modern immunology, but I felt that a set of introductory chapters would provide sufficient information to understand the developments in the field for those without a background in recent immunology, together with suitable references for further reading. The authors of these three intro- ductory chapters are ideally placed to bridge the gap that can exist between theoretical immunology and its application to clinical disease, and have produced an excellent start to the book.




Part I: Introductory Chapters

Part II: Autoimmune Thyroid Disease

Part III: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Part IV: Other Autoimmune Endocrinopathies



1. Rose NR, Witebsky E. Studies in organ specificity. V. Changes in the thyroid glands of rabbits following active immunisation with rabbit thyroid extracts. J Immunol 1956; 76: 417-427.
2. Roit IM, Doniach D, Campbell PN, Vaughan Hudson R. Autoantibodies in Hashimoto’s disease (lymphadenoid goitre). Lancet 1956; Ii 820-821.
3. Adams DD & Purves HD. Abnormal responses in the assay of thyrotrophin. Proceedings of the University of Otago Medical School. 1956; 34: 11-12.
4. Bottazzo GF, Florin-Christensen A, Doniach D. Islet cell antibodies in diabetes mellitus with autoimmune polyendocrine deficiencies. Lancet 1974; 2: 1279-1283.


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