Ph.D: Nguyen Phuong Thao - Pierre Darriulat
Abstract - Page: 5Key to Abbreviations - Page: 7
Acknowledgements - Page: 8
Table of content - Page: 9
1. Introduction - Page: 11
1.1 Generalities on cosmic rays - Page: 11
1.2 The Pierre Auger Observatory - Page: 13
1.3 Cosmic rays in Hanoi - Page: 19
1.4 The VATLY Cherenkov detectors - Page: 21
1.5 Overview of the present work - Page: 24
2. Response of the VATLY Cherenkov Detector to feed-through muons - Page: 26
2.1 The trigger hodoscope - Page: 26
2.1.1 Description - Page: 26
2.1.2 High voltages and delays - Page: 27
2.1.3 Rate - Page: 29
2.2 Electronics - Page: 30
2.3 Analysis of hodoscope data - Page: 32
2.3.1 Charge distributions - Page: 32
2.3.2 Time of flight - Page: 35
2.3.3 Event selection - Page: 37
2.3.4 Stability - Page: 38
2.4 Analysis of Cherenkov data - Page: 40
2.4.1 Response of the Cherenkov counter to a hodoscope trigger - Page: 41
2.4.2 Selection of good muons - Page: 42
2.4.3 Conclusion - Page: 43
3. Muon decays in the VATLY Cherenkov tank - Page: 44
3.1. Basic processes - Page: 44
3.2. Simulation of the detector and muon signal - Page: 47
4. Auto-correlations: rates and time distributions - Page: 53
4.1 The problem - Page:53
4.2 No correlation - Page:54
4.3 Cosmic rays - Page:54
4.4 Muon decays and muon captures - Page:55
4.5 Decays, capture and multi-muons - Page:57
4.6 Simulation - Page:58
5. Auto-correlations: electronics and data acquisition - Page:61
5.1 Auto-correlation measurement - Page:61
5.1.1 Timing considerations - Page:63
5.1.2 Calibration - Page:65
5.1.3 Spikes - Page:67
5.2 Charge measurement - Page:70
6. Auto-correlations: data analysis - Page:72
6.1 Time spectra - Page:72
6.1.1 Introduction - Page:72
6.1.2 Cherenkov detector - Page:73
6.1.3 Scintillator detector - Page:78
6.2 Charge spectra - Page:81
6.2.1 Introduction - Page:81
6.2.2 Cherenkov detector - Page:81
6.2.3 Scintillator detector - Page:90
7. Results and interpretation - Page:93
7.1 A simple model - Page:93
7.2 Comparison with the data - Page:94
7.3 Including a soft component - Page:96
7.4 Threshold cut-off functions - Page:98
7.5 Dependence on zenith angle - Page:99
7.6 Comparison between data and simulation - Page: 102
7.7 Decoherence and shower size - Page: 109
8. Summary and conclusion - Page: 111
References - Page: 115
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