present monograph is the first systematic, book - length exposition of
robust statistics. The technical term “robust” was coined only in 1953
(by G. E. P. Box), and the subject matter acquired recognition as a
legitimate topic for investigation only in the mid - sixties, but it
certainly never was a revolutionary new concept. Among the leading
scientists of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, there
were several practicing statisticians (to name but a few: the astronomer
S. Newcomb, the astrophysicist A. S. Eddington, and the geophysicist H.
Jeffreys), who had a perfectly clear, operational understanding of the
idea; they knew the dangers of long - tailed error distributions, they
proposed probability models for gross errors, and they even invented
excellent robust alternatives to the standard estimates, which were
rediscovered only recently. But for a long time theoretical
statisticians tended to shun the subject as being inexact and “dirty.”
My 1964 paper may have helped to dispel such prejudices. Amusingly (and
disturbingly), it seems that lately a kind of bandwagon effect has
evolved, that the pendulum has swung to the other extreme, and that
“robust” has now become a magic word, which is invoked in order to add
book gives a solid foundation in robustness to both the theoretical and
the applied statistician. The treatment is theoretical, but the stress
is on concepts, rather than on mathematical completeness. The level of
presentation is deliberately uneven:
some chapters simple cases are treated with mathematical rigor; in
others the results obtained in the simple cases are transferred by
analogy to more complicated situations (like multiparameter regression
and covariance matrix estimation), where proofs are not always available
(or are available only under unrealistically severe assumptions). Also
selected numerical algorithms for computing robust estimates are
described and, where possible, convergence proofs are given.
Chapter 1 gives a general introduction and overview; it is a must for every reader.
2 contains an account of the formal mathematical background behind qual
- itative and quantitative robustness, which can be skipped (or
skimmed) if the reader is willing to accept certain results on faith.
Chapter 3 introduces and discusses the three basic types of estimates (M
- , L - , and R - estimates), and Chapter 4 treats the asymptotic
minimax theory for location estimates; both chapters again are musts.
The remaining chapters branch out in different directions and are fairly
independent and self - contained; they can be read or taught in more or
less any order.
book does not contain exercises - I found it hard to invent a
sufficient number of problems in this area that were neither trivial nor
too hard - so it does not satisfy some of the formal criteria for a
textbook. Nevertheless I have successfully used various stages of the
manuscript as such in graduate courses. The book also has no pretensions
of being encyclopedic. I wanted to cover only those aspects and tools
that I personally considered to be the most important ones.
omissions and gaps are simply due to the fact that I currently lack
time to fill them in, but do not want to procrastinate any longer (the
first draft for this book goes back to 1972). Others are intentional.
For instance, adaptive estimates were excluded because I would now
prefer to classify them with nonparametric rather than with robust
statistics, under the heading of nonparametric efficient estimation. The
so - called Bayesian approach to robustness confounds the subject with
admissible estimation in an ad hoc parametric supermodel, and still
lacks reliable guidelines on how to select the supermodel and the prior
so that we end up with something robust.
coverage of L - and R - estimates was cut back from earlier plans
because they do not generalize well and get awkward to compute and to
handle in multiparameter situations a large part of the final draft was
written when I was visiting Harvard University in the fall of 1977; my
thanks go to the students, in particular to P. Rosenbaum and Y.
Yoshizoe, who then sat in my seminar course and provided many helpful
bibliographical references, so the manuscript of the second edition
could be based on a re - keyed version of the first. Other aspects
deserved a more extended discussion. I was fortunate to persuade Elvezio
Ronchetti, who had been one of the prime researchers working in the two
last mentioned areas (robust tests and small sample asymptotics), to
collaborate and add the corresponding Chapters 13 and 14.
I extended the discussion of regression, and I decided to add a chapter
on Bayesian robustness - even though, or perhaps because, I am not a
Bayesian (or only rarely so). Among other minor changes, since most
readers of the first edition had appreciated the General Remarks at the
beginning of the chapters, I have expanded some of them and also
elsewhere devoted more space to an informal discussion of motivations.
new edition still has no pretensions of being encyclopedic. Like the
first, it is centered on a robustness concept based on minimax
asymptotic variance and on M - estimation, complemented by some exact
finite sample results. Much of the material of the first edition is just
as valid as it was in 1980. Deliberately, such parts were left intact,
except that bibliographical references had to be added. Also, I hope
that my own perspective has improved with an increased temporal and
professional distance. Although this improved perspective has not
affected the mathematical facts, it has sometimes sharpened their
Special thanks go to Amy Hendrickson for her patient help with the Wiley LA# - macros and the various quirks of T#.
Content of this e-book
Why Robust Procedures?
What Should a Robust Procedure Achieve?
Robust, Nonparametric, and Distribution-Free
Adaptive Procedures
Resistant Procedures
Robustness versus Diagnostics
Breakdown point
Qualitative Robustness
Quantitative Robustness
Infinitesimal Aspects
Optimal Robustness
Performance Comparisons
Computation of Robust Estimates
Limitations to Robustness Theory
The Weak Topology and its Metrization
General Remarks
The Weak Topology
LCvy and Prohorov Metrics
The Bounded Lipschitz Metric
FrCchet and GQeaux Derivatives
Hampel’s Theorem
The Basic Types of Estimates
General Remarks
Maximum Likelihood Type Estimates (M-Estimates)
Influence Function of M-Estimates
Asymptotic Properties of M-Estimates
Linear Combinations of Order Statistics (L-Estimates)
Influence Function of L-Estimates
Estimates Derived from Rank Tests (R-Estimates)
Influence Function of R-Estimates
Asymptotically Efficient M-, L-, and R-Estimates
Quantitative and Qualitative Robustness of M- Estimates
Quantitative and Qualitative Robustness of L-Estimates
Quantitative and Qualitative Robustness of R-Estimates
Asymptotic Minimax Theory for Estimating Location
General Remarks
Minimax Bias
Minimax Variance: Preliminaries
Distributions Minimizing Fisher Information
Determination of FO by Variational Methods
Asymptotically Minimax M-Estimates
On the Minimax Property for L- and R-Estimates
Redescending M-Estimates
Questions of Asymmetric Contamination
Scale Estimates
General Remarks
M-Estimates of Scale
L-Estimates of Scale
R-Estimates of Scale
Asymptotically Efficient Scale Estimates
Minimax Properties
Distributions Minimizing Fisher Information for Scale
Multiparameter Problems-in Particular Joint Estimation
of Location and Scale
General Remarks
Consistency of M-Estimates
Asymptotic Normality of M-Estimates
Simultaneous M-Estimates of Location and Scale
M-Estimates with Preliminary Estimates of Scale
Quantitative Robustness of Joint Estimates of Location and Scale
The Computation of M-Estimates of Scale
General Remarks
The Classical Linear Least Squares Case
Residuals and Outliers
Robustizing the Least Squares Approach
Asymptotics of Robust Regression Estimates
The Cases hp + and hp -+
Conjectures and Empirical Results
Symmetric Error Distributions
The Question of Bias
Asymptotic Covariances and Their Estimation
Concomitant Scale Estimates
Computation of Regression M-Estimates
The Scale Step
The Location Step with Modified Residuals
The Location Step with Modified Weights
Analysis of Variance
The Fixed Carrier Case: What Size hi?
L-estimates and Median Polish
Other Approaches to Robust Regression
Robust Covariance and Correlation Matrices
General Remarks
Estimation of Matrix Elements Through Robust Variances
Estimation of Matrix Elements Through Robust Correlation
An Affinely Equivariant Approach
Estimates Determined by Implicit Equations
Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions
The Scatter Estimate V
The Location Estimate t
Influence Functions and Qualitative Robustness
Consistency and Asymptotic Normality
Breakdown Point
Least Informative Distributions
Some Notes on Computation
Joint Estimation oft and V
Robustness of Design
General Remarks
Minimax Global Fit
Minimax Slope
Exact Finite Sample Results
General Remarks
Lower and Upper Probabilities and Capacities
-Monotone and -Alternating Capacities
Robust Tests
Monotone and Alternating Capacities of Infinite Order
Particular Cases Sequential Tests
Estimates Derived From Tests
Minimax Interval Estimates
The Neyman-Pearson Lemma for -Alternating Capacities
Finite Sample Breakdown Point
General Remarks
Definition and Examples
Variances and Covariances
One-dimensional M-estimators of Location
Multidimensional Estimators of Location
Structured Problems: Linear Models
Infinitesimal Robustness and Breakdown
Malicious versus Stochastic Breakdown
Infinitesimal Robustness
General Remarks
Hampel’s Infinitesimal Approach
Shrinking Neighborhoods
Robust Tests
General Remarks
Local Stability of a Test
Tests for General Parametric Models in the Multivariate Case
Robust Tests for Regression and Generalized Linear Models
Small Sample Asymptotics
General Remarks
Tail Probabilities
Marginal Distributions
Saddlepoint Test
Relationship with Nonparametric Techniques
Saddlepoint Approximation for the Mean
Saddlepoint Approximation of the Density of M-estimators
Bayesian Robustness
General Remarks
Some Asymptotic Theory
Minimax Asymptotic Robustness Aspects
Nuisance Parameters
Disparate Data and Problems with the Prior
Maximum Likelihood and Bayes Estimates
Why there is no Finite Sample Bayesian Robustness Theory
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