Chuyển đến nội dung chính



E. T. Jaynes - Wayman Crow Professor of Physics


G. Larry Bretthorst


Chapter 1 Plausible Reasoning
  1.  Deductive and Plausible Reasoning
  2.  Analogies with Physical Theories
  3.  The Thinking Computer
  4.  Introducing the Robot
  5.  Boolean Algebra
  6.  Adequate Sets of Operations
  7.  The Basic Desiderata
  9.  Common Language vs. Formal Logic
  10.  Nitpicking
 Chapter 2 The Quantitative Rules
  1.  The Product Rule
  2.  The Sum Rule
  3.  Qualitative Properties
  4.  Numerical Values
  5.  Notation and Finite Sets Policy
  7.  “Subjective” vs. “Objective”
  8.  Gödel’s Theorem
  9.  Venn Diagrams
  10.  The “Kolmogorov Axioms”
  11.  Chapter 3 Elementary Sampling Theory
  12.  Sampling Without Replacement
  13.  Logic Versus Propensity
  14.  Reasoning from Less Precise Information
  15.  Expectations
  16.  Other Forms and Extensions
  17.  Probability as a Mathematical Tool
  18.  The Binomial Distribution
  19.  Sampling With Replacement
  20.  Digression: A Sermon on Reality vs. Models
  21.  Correction for Correlations
  22.  Simplification
  24. Look Ahead
 Chapter 4 Elementary Hypothesis Testing
  1.  Prior Probabilities
  2.  Testing Binary Hypotheses with Binary Data
  3.  Non-Extensibility Beyond the Binary Case
  4.  Multiple Hypothesis Testing
  5. Continuous Probability Distribution Functions (pdf’s)
  6.  Testing an Infinite Number of Hypotheses
  7.  Simple and Compound (or Composite) Hypotheses
  9.  Etymology
  10.  What Have We Accomplished?
 Chapter 5 Queer Uses For Probability Theory
  1.  Extrasensory Perception
  2.  Mrs. Stewart’s Telepathic Powers
  3.  Digression on the Normal Approximation
  4.  Back to Mrs. Stewart
  5.  Converging and Diverging Views
  6.  Visual Perception—Evolution into Bayesianity?
  7.  The Discovery of Neptune
  8.  Digression on Alternative Hypotheses
  9.  Back to Newton
  10.  Horse racing and Weather Forecasting
  11.  Discussion
  12.  Paradoxes of Intuition
  13.  Bayesian Jurisprudence
 Chapter 6 Elementary Parameter Estimation
  1.  Inversion of the Urn Distributions
  2.  Both N and R Unknown
  3.  Uniform Prior
  4.  Predictive Distributions
  5.  Truncated Uniform Priors
  6. Concave Prior
  7.  The Binomial Monkey Prior
  8.  Metamorphosis into Continuous Parameter Estimation
  9.  Estimation with a Binomial Sampling Distribution
  10.  Digression on Optional Stopping
  11.  Compound Estimation Problems
  12. Simple Bayesian Estimate: Quantitative Prior Information
  13.  From Posterior Distribution Function to Estimate
  14.  Back to the Problem
  15.  Effects of Qualitative Prior Information
  16.  Choice of a Prior
  17.  On With the Calculation!
  18.  The Jeffreys Prior
  19.  The Point of It All
  20.  Interval Estimation
  21.  Calculation of Variance
  22.  Generalization and Asymptotic Forms
  23.  Rectangular Sampling Distribution
  24.  Small Samples
  25.  Mathematical Trickery
 Chapter 7 The Central, Gaussian Or Normal Distribution
  1.  The Gravitating Phenomenon
  2.  The Herschel-Maxwell Derivation
  3.  The Gauss Derivation
  4.  Historical Importance of Gauss’ Result
  5.  The Landon Derivation
  6.  Why the Ubiquitous Use of Gaussian Distributions?
  7.  Why the Ubiquitous Success?
  8.  What Estimator Should We Use?
  9.  Error Cancellation
  10.  The Near-Irrelevance of Sampling Frequency Distributions
  11.  The Remarkable Efficiency of Information Transfer
  12.  Other Sampling Distributions
  13.  Nuisance Parameters as Safety Devices
  14.  More General Properties
  15.  Convolution of Gaussians
  16.  The Central Limit Theorem
  17.  Accuracy of Computations
  18.  Galton’s Discovery
  19.  Population Dynamics and Darwinian Evolution
  20.  Evolution of Humming-Birds and Flowers
  21.  Application to Economics
  22.  The Great Inequality of Jupiter and Saturn
  23.  Resolution of Distributions into Gaussians
  24.  Hermite Polynomial Solutions
  25.  Fourier Transform Relations
  26.  There is Hope After All
 Chapter 8 Sufficiency, Ancillarity, And All That
  1.  Sufficiency
  2.  Fisher Sufficiency
  3.  Generalized Sufficiency
  4.  Sufficiency Plus Nuisance Parameters
  5.  The Likelihood Principle
  6.  Ancillarity
  7.  Generalized Ancillary Information
  8.  Asymptotic Likelihood: Fisher Information
  9.  Combining Evidence from Different Sources
  10.  Pooling the Data
  11.  Sam’s Broken Thermometer
 Chapter 9 Repetitive Experiments Probability And Frequency
  1.  Physical Experiments
  2.  The Poorly Informed Robot
  3.  Induction
  4.  Are There General Inductive Rules?
  5.  Multiplicity Factors
  6.  Partition Function Algorithms
  7.  Entropy Algorithms
  8.  Another Way of Looking at it
  9.  Entropy Maximization
  10.  Probability and Frequency
  11.  Significance Tests
  12.  Comparison of Psi and Chi-Squared
  13.  The Chi-Squared Test
  14.  Generalization
  15.  Halley’s Mortality Table
  17.  Superstitions
 Chapter 10 Physics Of “random Experiments”
  1.  An Interesting Correlation
  2.  Historical Background
  3.  How to Cheat at Coin and Die Tossing
  4.  Bridge Hands
  5.  General Random Experiments
  6.  Induction Revisited
  7.  But What About Quantum Theory?
  8.  Mechanics Under the Clouds
  9.  More On Coins and Symmetry
  10.  Independence of Tosses
  11.  The Arrogance of the Uninformed


Chapter 11 Discrete Prior Probabilities The Entropy Principle
  1.  New Kind of Prior Information
  2.  Minimum ∑p i
  3.  Entropy: Shannon’s Theorem
  4.  The Wallis Derivation
  5.  An Example
  6.  Generalization: A More Rigorous Proof
  7.  Formal Properties of Maximum-Entropy Distributions
  8.  Conceptual Problems—Frequency Correspondence

 Chapter 12 Ignorance Priors And Transformation Groups
  1.  What Are We Trying to Do?
  3.  Continuous Distributions
  5.  Location and Scale Parameters
  6. Poisson Rate
  7.  Unknown Probability for Success
  8.  Bertrand’s Problem
 Chapter 13 Decision Theory Historical Background
  1.  Inference vs. Decision
  2.  Daniel Bernoulli’s Suggestion
  3.  The Rationale of Insurance
  4.  Entropy and Utility
  5.  The Honest Weatherman
  6.  Reactions to Daniel Bernoulli and Laplace
  7.  Wald’s Decision Theory
  8.  Parameter Estimation for Minimum Loss
  9.  Reformulation of the Problem
  10.  Effect of Varying Loss Functions
  11.  General Decision Theory
  13.  Decision Theory is not Fundamental
  14.  Another Dimension?
 Chapter 14 Simple Applications Of Decision Theory
  1.  Definitions and Preliminaries
  2.  Sufficiency and Information
  3.  Loss Functions and Criteria of Optimum Performance
  4. Discrete Example
  5.  How Would Our Robot Do It?
  6.  Historical Remarks
  7.  The Widget Problem
 Chapter 15 Paradoxes Of Probability Theory
  1.  How do Paradoxes Survive and Grow?
  2.  Summing a Series the Easy Way
  3.  Nonconglomerability
  4.  The Tumbling Tetrahedrons
  5.  Solution for a Finite Number of Tosses
  6.  Finite vs. Countable Additivity
  7.  The Borel-Kolmogorov Paradox
  8.  The Marginalization Paradox
  9.  Discussion
  10. a. Useful Result After All?
  11.  How to Mass-Produce Paradoxes
  13.  Chapter Orthodox Methods: Historical Background
  14.  The Early Problems
  15.  Sociology of Orthodox Statistics
  16.  Ronald Fisher, Harold Jeffreys, and Jerzy Neyman
  17.  Pre-data and Post-data Considerations
  18.  The Sampling Distribution for an Estimator
  19.  Pro-Causal and Anti-Causal Bias
  20.  What is Real; the Probability or the Phenomenon?
 Chapter 16 Principles And Pathology Of Orthodox Statistics
  1.  Information Loss
  2.  Unbiased Estimators
  3.  Pathology of an Unbiased Estimate
  4.  The Fundamental Inequality of the Sampling Variance
  5.  Periodicity: The Weather in Central Park
  6. Bayesian Analysis:
  7.  The Folly of Randomization
  8.  Fisher: Common Sense at Rothamsted
  9.  Missing Data
  10.  Trend and Seasonality in Time Series
  11.  The General Case
 Chapter 17 The Ap Distribution And Rule Of Succession
  1.  Memory Storage for Old Robots
  2.  Relevance
  3. Surprising Consequence
  4.  Outer and Inner Robots
  5.  An Application
  6.  Laplace’s Rule of Succession
  7.  Jeffreys’ Objection
  8.  Bass or Carp?
  9.  So where does this leave the rule?
  10.  Generalization
  11.  Confirmation and Weight of Evidence
  12.  Carnap’s Inductive Methods
  13.  Probability and Frequency in Exchangable Sequences
  14.  Prediction of Frequencies
  15.  One-Dimensional Neutron Multiplication
  16.  The de Finette Theorem
 Chapter 18 Physical Measurements
  1.  Reduction of Equations of Condition
  2.  Reformulation as a Decision Problem
  3.  The Underdetermined Case: K is Singular
  4.  The Overdetermined Case: K Can be Made Nonsingular
  5.  Numerical Evaluation of the Result
  6.  Accuracy of the Estimates
  8.  Chapter 19 Model Comparison
  9.  Formulation of the Problem
  10.  The Fair Judge and the Cruel Realist
  11.  But Where is the Idea of Simplicity?
  12.  An Example: Linear Response Models
  14.  Final Causes
 Chapter 20 Outliers And Robustness
  1.  The Experimenter’s Dilemma
  2.  Robustness
  3.  The Two-Model Model
  4.  Exchangeable Selection
  5.  The General Bayesian Solution
  6.  Pure Outliers
  7.  One Receding Datum
 Chapter 21 Introduction To Communication Theory
  1.  Origins of the Theory
  2.  The Noiseless Channel
  3.  The Information Source
  4.  Does the English Language have Statistical Properties?
  5.  Optimum Encoding: Letter Frequencies Known
  6.  Better Encoding From Knowledge of Digram Frequencies
  7.  Relation to a Stochastic Model
  8.  The Noisy Channel
  9.  Fixing a Noisy Channel
  10.  References
 Appendix A Other Approaches To Probability Theory
  1.  The Kolmogorov System of Probability
  2.  The de Finetti System of Probability
  3.  Comparative Probability
  4.  Holdouts Against Universal Comparability
  5.  Speculations About Lattice Theories
 Appendix B Mathematical Formalities And Style
  1.  Notation and Logical Hierarchy
  2.  Our “Cautious Approach” Policy
  3.  Willy Feller on Measure Theory
  4.  Kronecker vs. Weierstrasz
  5.  What is a Legitimate Mathematical Function?
  6.  Counting Infinite Sets?
  7.  The Hausdorff Sphere Paradox and Mathematical Diseases
  8.  What Am I Supposed to Publish?
  9.  Mathematical Courtesy
 Appendix C Convolutions And Cumulants
  1.  Relation of Cumulants and Moments
  2.  Examples

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