E. T. Jaynes - Wayman Crow Professor of Physics
G. Larry Bretthorst
Chapter 1 Plausible Reasoning
- Deductive and Plausible Reasoning
- Analogies with Physical Theories
- The Thinking Computer
- Introducing the Robot
- Boolean Algebra
- Adequate Sets of Operations
- The Basic Desiderata
- Comments
- Common Language vs. Formal Logic
- Nitpicking
- The Product Rule
- The Sum Rule
- Qualitative Properties
- Numerical Values
- Notation and Finite Sets Policy
- Comments
- “Subjective” vs. “Objective”
- Gödel’s Theorem
- Venn Diagrams
- The “Kolmogorov Axioms”
- Chapter 3 Elementary Sampling Theory
- Sampling Without Replacement
- Logic Versus Propensity
- Reasoning from Less Precise Information
- Expectations
- Other Forms and Extensions
- Probability as a Mathematical Tool
- The Binomial Distribution
- Sampling With Replacement
- Digression: A Sermon on Reality vs. Models
- Correction for Correlations
- Simplification
- Comments
- Look Ahead
- Prior Probabilities
- Testing Binary Hypotheses with Binary Data
- Non-Extensibility Beyond the Binary Case
- Multiple Hypothesis Testing
- Continuous Probability Distribution Functions (pdf’s)
- Testing an Infinite Number of Hypotheses
- Simple and Compound (or Composite) Hypotheses
- Comments
- Etymology
- What Have We Accomplished?
- Extrasensory Perception
- Mrs. Stewart’s Telepathic Powers
- Digression on the Normal Approximation
- Back to Mrs. Stewart
- Converging and Diverging Views
- Visual Perception—Evolution into Bayesianity?
- The Discovery of Neptune
- Digression on Alternative Hypotheses
- Back to Newton
- Horse racing and Weather Forecasting
- Discussion
- Paradoxes of Intuition
- Bayesian Jurisprudence
- Comments
- Inversion of the Urn Distributions
- Both N and R Unknown
- Uniform Prior
- Predictive Distributions
- Truncated Uniform Priors
- Concave Prior
- The Binomial Monkey Prior
- Metamorphosis into Continuous Parameter Estimation
- Estimation with a Binomial Sampling Distribution
- Digression on Optional Stopping
- Compound Estimation Problems
- Simple Bayesian Estimate: Quantitative Prior Information
- From Posterior Distribution Function to Estimate
- Back to the Problem
- Effects of Qualitative Prior Information
- Choice of a Prior
- On With the Calculation!
- The Jeffreys Prior
- The Point of It All
- Interval Estimation
- Calculation of Variance
- Generalization and Asymptotic Forms
- Rectangular Sampling Distribution
- Small Samples
- Mathematical Trickery
- Comments
- The Gravitating Phenomenon
- The Herschel-Maxwell Derivation
- The Gauss Derivation
- Historical Importance of Gauss’ Result
- The Landon Derivation
- Why the Ubiquitous Use of Gaussian Distributions?
- Why the Ubiquitous Success?
- What Estimator Should We Use?
- Error Cancellation
- The Near-Irrelevance of Sampling Frequency Distributions
- The Remarkable Efficiency of Information Transfer
- Other Sampling Distributions
- Nuisance Parameters as Safety Devices
- More General Properties
- Convolution of Gaussians
- The Central Limit Theorem
- Accuracy of Computations
- Galton’s Discovery
- Population Dynamics and Darwinian Evolution
- Evolution of Humming-Birds and Flowers
- Application to Economics
- The Great Inequality of Jupiter and Saturn
- Resolution of Distributions into Gaussians
- Hermite Polynomial Solutions
- Fourier Transform Relations
- There is Hope After All
- Comments
- Sufficiency
- Fisher Sufficiency
- Generalized Sufficiency
- Sufficiency Plus Nuisance Parameters
- The Likelihood Principle
- Ancillarity
- Generalized Ancillary Information
- Asymptotic Likelihood: Fisher Information
- Combining Evidence from Different Sources
- Pooling the Data
- Sam’s Broken Thermometer
- Comments
- Physical Experiments
- The Poorly Informed Robot
- Induction
- Are There General Inductive Rules?
- Multiplicity Factors
- Partition Function Algorithms
- Entropy Algorithms
- Another Way of Looking at it
- Entropy Maximization
- Probability and Frequency
- Significance Tests
- Comparison of Psi and Chi-Squared
- The Chi-Squared Test
- Generalization
- Halley’s Mortality Table
- Comments
- Superstitions
- An Interesting Correlation
- Historical Background
- How to Cheat at Coin and Die Tossing
- Bridge Hands
- General Random Experiments
- Induction Revisited
- But What About Quantum Theory?
- Mechanics Under the Clouds
- More On Coins and Symmetry
- Independence of Tosses
- The Arrogance of the Uninformed
Chapter 11 Discrete Prior Probabilities The Entropy Principle
- New Kind of Prior Information
- Minimum ∑p i
- Entropy: Shannon’s Theorem
- The Wallis Derivation
- An Example
- Generalization: A More Rigorous Proof
- Formal Properties of Maximum-Entropy Distributions
- Conceptual Problems—Frequency Correspondence
- Comments
Chapter 12 Ignorance Priors And Transformation Groups
- What Are We Trying to Do?
- Continuous Distributions
- Location and Scale Parameters
- Poisson Rate
- Unknown Probability for Success
- Bertrand’s Problem
- Comments
- Inference vs. Decision
- Daniel Bernoulli’s Suggestion
- The Rationale of Insurance
- Entropy and Utility
- The Honest Weatherman
- Reactions to Daniel Bernoulli and Laplace
- Wald’s Decision Theory
- Parameter Estimation for Minimum Loss
- Reformulation of the Problem
- Effect of Varying Loss Functions
- General Decision Theory
- Comments
- Decision Theory is not Fundamental
- Another Dimension?
- Definitions and Preliminaries
- Sufficiency and Information
- Loss Functions and Criteria of Optimum Performance
- Discrete Example
- How Would Our Robot Do It?
- Historical Remarks
- The Widget Problem
- Comments
- How do Paradoxes Survive and Grow?
- Summing a Series the Easy Way
- Nonconglomerability
- The Tumbling Tetrahedrons
- Solution for a Finite Number of Tosses
- Finite vs. Countable Additivity
- The Borel-Kolmogorov Paradox
- The Marginalization Paradox
- Discussion
- a. Useful Result After All?
- How to Mass-Produce Paradoxes
- Comments
- Chapter Orthodox Methods: Historical Background
- The Early Problems
- Sociology of Orthodox Statistics
- Ronald Fisher, Harold Jeffreys, and Jerzy Neyman
- Pre-data and Post-data Considerations
- The Sampling Distribution for an Estimator
- Pro-Causal and Anti-Causal Bias
- What is Real; the Probability or the Phenomenon?
- Comments
- Information Loss
- Unbiased Estimators
- Pathology of an Unbiased Estimate
- The Fundamental Inequality of the Sampling Variance
- Periodicity: The Weather in Central Park
- Bayesian Analysis:
- The Folly of Randomization
- Fisher: Common Sense at Rothamsted
- Missing Data
- Trend and Seasonality in Time Series
- The General Case
- Comments
- Memory Storage for Old Robots
- Relevance
- Surprising Consequence
- Outer and Inner Robots
- An Application
- Laplace’s Rule of Succession
- Jeffreys’ Objection
- Bass or Carp?
- So where does this leave the rule?
- Generalization
- Confirmation and Weight of Evidence
- Carnap’s Inductive Methods
- Probability and Frequency in Exchangable Sequences
- Prediction of Frequencies
- One-Dimensional Neutron Multiplication
- The de Finette Theorem
- Comments
- Reduction of Equations of Condition
- Reformulation as a Decision Problem
- The Underdetermined Case: K is Singular
- The Overdetermined Case: K Can be Made Nonsingular
- Numerical Evaluation of the Result
- Accuracy of the Estimates
- Comments
- Chapter 19 Model Comparison
- Formulation of the Problem
- The Fair Judge and the Cruel Realist
- But Where is the Idea of Simplicity?
- An Example: Linear Response Models
- Comments
- Final Causes
- The Experimenter’s Dilemma
- Robustness
- The Two-Model Model
- Exchangeable Selection
- The General Bayesian Solution
- Pure Outliers
- One Receding Datum
- Origins of the Theory
- The Noiseless Channel
- The Information Source
- Does the English Language have Statistical Properties?
- Optimum Encoding: Letter Frequencies Known
- Better Encoding From Knowledge of Digram Frequencies
- Relation to a Stochastic Model
- The Noisy Channel
- Fixing a Noisy Channel
- References
- The Kolmogorov System of Probability
- The de Finetti System of Probability
- Comparative Probability
- Holdouts Against Universal Comparability
- Speculations About Lattice Theories
- Notation and Logical Hierarchy
- Our “Cautious Approach” Policy
- Willy Feller on Measure Theory
- Kronecker vs. Weierstrasz
- What is a Legitimate Mathematical Function?
- Counting Infinite Sets?
- The Hausdorff Sphere Paradox and Mathematical Diseases
- What Am I Supposed to Publish?
- Mathematical Courtesy
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