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1. chimie mpsi ptsi  Sách giáo trình Hóa học của cộng hòa Pháp dành cho sinh viên các trường khoa học, chương trình đại cương năm thứ nhất

2. the science and technology of industrial water treatment The use of natural hard waters in industrial water systems (e. G., cooling, boilers, desalination, oil production, etc.) Can cause severe scaling and corrosion of equipment surfaces, and pose serious technical and economic challenges. The scales commonly encountered are sulfates, carbonates, and phosphates of calcium, magnesium, and barium. The precipitation and deposition of scales on equipment surfaces are inl uenced by various factors, including feed and recirculating water chemistry, pH, temperature, l ow velocity, heat exchanger metallurgy, and the types of additives used in the water treatment formulation. Such scale deposits signii cantly reduce heat transfer efi ciency, constrict l ow, increase the operating pressure of pumps, and enhance the probability of corrosion damage.

3. matlab an introduction with applications MATLAB is a very popular language for technical computing used by students, engineers, and scientists in universities, research institutes, and industries all over the world. The software is popular because it is powerful and easy to use. For university freshmen in it can be thought of as the next tool to use after the graphic calculator in high school. This book was written following several years of teaching the software to freshmen in an introductory engineering course. The objective was to write a book that teaches the software in a friendly, non-intimidating fashion. Therefore, the book is written in simple and direct language. In many places bullets, rather than lengthy text, are used to list facts and details that are related to a specific topic.

4. chemical engineering trends and developments Usually the preface of any book is written by a recognized professional who describes the excellence of the book and the authors who are, of course, less well-known than himself. In this case, however, the task is made very difficult by the excellence of the authors, the large amount of topics treated in the book and the added difficulty of finding someone who is an expert in all of them. For these reasons, I decided to write the preface myself, acknowledging that I am really less than qualified to do so.

5. natural wastewater treatment systems Natural systems for the treatment and management of municipal and industrial wastewaters and residuals feature processes that use minimal energy and minimal or no chemicals, and they produce relatively lower amounts of residual solids. This book is intended for the practicing engineers and scientists who are involved in the planning, design, construction, evaluation, and operation of wastewater management facilities. The focus of the text is on wastewater management processes that provide passive treatment with a minimum of mechanical elements. Use of these natural systems often results in sustainable systems because of the low operating requirements and a minimum of biosolids production.

6. chemical engineering vocabulary The Chemical Engineering Vocabulary was written for students and young professionals in chemistry, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering and economics, who have to do with chemical engineering in an academic or industrial setting. All entries come with a sentence, which shows the application and, in addition, provides a piece of relevant and interesting information. In contrast to common dictionaries, this book does not have trivial entries (e.g. filter/Filter, metal/Metall, vacuum/Vakuum, project/Projekt). Only terms that are relevant for work, 2600, were selected.

7. water treatment Economic development, population growth, and environmental pollution evolving in many parts of the world are placing great demands on existing resources of fresh water. Arid and/or semi-arid regions in particular suffer major shortage of fresh water supplies due to the scarcity of available natural and traditional resources. Fresh water may seem to be commonplace on earth, but it is actually scarce. Most of the world’s water is saline where 2.5 percent only is fresh, and 97 of that freshwater is tied up in the north and south poles, and in underground water

8. handbook of green chemistry Chemical reactions used to manufacture important compounds such as medicinals are essentially always carried out in solution, and this is also true of the research work that is used to invent the new compounds and to develop appropriate ways to manufacture them. In the past, continuing into the present, the solvents used are normally volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and these pose an environmental problem. Their vapors can contribute to the greenhouse effect that causes global warming, and in some cases the solvent vapors can catalyze the destruction of the ozone layer that protects the Earth and its living inhabitants from short-wavelength ultraviolet solar radiation. The vaporsmay also be toxic to humans, plants, or animals, or they may cause diseases.

9. traitement des eaux La lutte contre la pollution, le souci permanent de limiter la consommation de l'eau. devenue rare ces dernières années, constituent pour las indus-tnels des problèmes essentiels et les installations de traitement reçoivent autant de soin et d attention que les unités de production. Cet ouvrage constitue un bilan des sources de pollution et une svntftèse des techniques les plus récentes utilisées en antipollution et réfrigération et restera un document de base pour les ingénieurs de nos usines.

10. petroleum processing handbook It is time that many of the petroleum processes currently in use be presented in a well-organized, easy-to-read and understandable manner. This hand-book fulfills this need by covering up-to-date processing operations. Each chapter is written by a world expert in that particular area, in such a manner that it is easily understood and applied. Each professional practicing engineer or industrial chemist involved in petroleum processing should have a copy of this book on his or her working shelf.

11. a primer of oilwell drilling Etroleum Extension Service (PETEX) Published the first edition of A Primer of Oilivell Drilling in 1951. The book's section on cable-tool drilling was almost as large as the part devoted to rotary drilling, and it spent as much ink on steam power as it did on internal combustion engines. Later editions, of course, evolved with the industry; Thus, the third edition (released in the early 1970s) Did not so much as mention cable tools and steam power.

12. practical boiler water treatment - including air-conditioning systems The author's aim is to fill a long-felt need for a book that gives practical information on internal boiler water treatment and the treatment of circulating water in air-conditioning systems. Every effort has been made to present these subjects simply and clearly, so that the reader with a limited knowledge of water treatment can understand them.

13. chimie moléculaire et supramoléculaire des sucres Le découpage des connaissances adopté dans cet ouvrage n’est pas conforme 2 la tradition des livres de chimie organique. Manuels et traités décrivent essentielư lement les techniques contemporaines de construction de liaison covalente, avec quelques développements sur les questions de conformation et, parfois, une brève allusion aux problèmes du monde vivant. Certes la chimie organique synthétique des sucres a fait des progrès considérables au cours des dernières décennies. La mise au point de nouvelles techniques et l’introduction de nouveaux concepts ont permis d’étendre a cette famille la plupart des grandes réactions. Des efforts intenses ont permis d’améliorer notablement le pronostic de la réaction de glyco- sidation, souvent inefficace avec la méthode ancienne

14. heat capacities liquids, solutions and vapours Many of the most significant developments in physical chemistry and chemical engineering during the last century have been based on contributions chemical thermodynamics has provided. The continuously increasing number of articles containing experimental data on thermodynamic properties and on phase equilibria, as well as on new experimental techniques and advances in theory and computer simulation, demonstrate the unabated growth of this field. Most noteworthy is the accelerating thrust in biophysical chemistry towards achieving a broader, quantitative thermodynamic basis of the physicochemical phenomena involved in biological processes.

15. the science of bakery products This book has its origins from when I moved from the confectionery industry to the flour milling business. One of the reasons I wrote this book was because I failed to find a suitable book on the science and technology of baking. It is intended to be used along with my Science of Sugar Confectionery book in the RSC Paperbacks series. The book is aimed to fulfil the needs of students at A level and above who need to know the science of baking. It also intends to cover the needs of newcomers to the baking industry.

16. analyse tests mathematiques Pour se familiariser avec l’usage de l’outil mathématique, indispensable à toute formalisation en économie, nous proposons une série d’exercices, regroupés en deux volumes: Analyse et Algèbre. Cet ouvrage s’adresse aux étu-diants de Licence d’Économie et Gestion ou d’AES. Chacun des sept premiers chapitres présente la même structure. Au début, les principales notions de cours et les résultats importants sont rappelés de façon succincte dans “L’essentiel” du cours. Un bref texte introductif indique les points essentiels qui vont être abordés et présentés dans le chapitre.

17. processus stochastiques discrets et filtrages optimaux Le filtrage optimal discret appliqué aux signaux stationnaires et non stationnaires permet de traiter de la manière la plus efficace possible, au sens du critère choisi, tous les problèmes que l’on peut rencontrer dans les situations d’extraction de signaux bruités. Il constitue la brique élémentaire nécessaire dans les domaines les plus divers : calcul des orbites ou de guidages d’aéronefs dans le domaine aérospatial ou aéronautique, calcul de filtres dans le domaine des télécommunications ou dans le domaine de la commande des systèmes ou encore dans celui des traitements de signaux sismiques, la liste est non exhaustive.

18. mathematical modeling and simulation ‘‘Everyone is an artist’’ was a centralmessage of the famous twentieth century artist Joseph Beuys. ‘‘Everyone models and simulates’’ is a central message of this book. Mathematical modeling and simulation is a fundamental method in engineering and science, and it is absolutely valid to say that everybody uses it (even those of us who are not aware of doing so). The question is not whether to use this method or not, but rather how to use it effectively.

19. mathématiques appliquées à la gestion Les mathématiques font peur et pourtant! En réalité les mathématiques sont, en quelque sorte, un jeu pour ceux et celles qui cherchent à les comprendre. Il n’est pas nécessaire d’avoir des connaissances très poussées pour résoudre la plupart des problèmes. Dans beaucoup des cas, une démarche logique basique suffit. En fait, le plus difficile est de comprendre les problèmes et les modéliser.

20. mathematics for physicists and engineers Mathematics is an essential tool for physicists and engineers which students must use fromthe very beginning of their studies. This combination of textbook and study guide aims to develop as rapidly as possible the students’ ability to understand and to use those parts of mathematics which they will most frequently encounter. Thus functions, vectors, calculus, differential equations and functions of several variables are presented in a very accessible way. Further chapters in the book provide the basic knowledge on various important topics in applied mathematics.

21. mathématiques appliquées à la gestion Synthèse de cours & exercices corrigés. Cours et exercices adaptés aux besoins des gestionnaires et des économistes. Approche progressive illustrée de nombreux exemples. Corrigés détaillés de tous les problèmes et exercices. Sách giáo trình toán học ứng dụng trong quản lý

22. méthodes numériques appliquées Qu’ost-cc que l’analyse numérique? C’est un ensemble d’outils qui permet d’obtenir une solution numérique approchée d’un problème mathématique, lui-même modèle d’une question technique ou scientifique. Pourquoi étudier (et enseigner) l’analyse numérique conçue de cette manière? N’est- il pas suffisant d’appuyer sur la touche « solve » d’une calculette pour résoudre une équation algébrique ? Si l’on veut vraiment utiliser un logiciel, pourquoi faire plus que d’appeler, à l’intérieur d’un logiciel de haut niveau, la fonction « solve » ? En réalité, il est toujours profitable de connaître le principe de fonctionnement des outils que l’on utilise afin de les employer au mieux et pour être conscient de leurs limites.

23. calcul differentiel et integral tome i + ii Bộ sách bài tập toán: Phương pháp tính vi phân và tích phân đại số tổ hợp và đại số tuyến tính, bản gốc tiếng Nga ấn bản năm 1968 và được dịch sang tiếng Pháp năm 1980. Bộ sách toán này rất hay và quan trọng với những sinh viên đào tạo chuyên ngành tự nhiên như toán học, vật lý của các trường chuyên sâu về lý thuyết như trường ĐHKHTN (Đại học tổng hợp cũ) hay cũng là tài liệu tham khảo rất hữu ích cho ngành sư phạm toán.

24. d’eléctromagnétisme Min manuel Cours + Exercices - Sách giáo trình vật lý: Lý thuyết điện từ đại cương với lý thuyết và bài tập

25. les méthodes et exercices de mathématiques pcsi-ptsi Les méthodes à retenir - Plus de 500 énoncés d’exercices - Indications pour bien démarrer - Corrigés détaillés - Tuyển tập 500 bài tập và lời giải toán học đại cương: Chuỗi, dãy số, giải tích hàm một biến, đa biến, phương trình vi phân, đại số tuyến tính và hình giải tích.

26. 275 exercices et problèmes résolus de mathematiques analyseèmes-resolus-de-mathematiques-analyse.html Cet ouvrage vient compléter le livre de cours d'Analyse (tome I) de la collection " Maths-plus". Il propose des exercices etproblèmesde niveaux variés sur le programme des premières années des facultés et instituts supérieurs. Les exercices sont rangés par ordre de difficulté croissante et suivent presque fidèlement les paragraphes et chapitres du livre de cours d'Analyse (tome I) de la collection "Maths-plus".

27. tous les exercices d’algèbre et de géométrie pc-psièbre-et-de-geometrie-pc-psi.html Pour assimiler le programme, s’entraîner et réussir son concours - Rappels de cours et exercices d’assimilation - Plus de 300 exercices dont la majorité est issue d’oraux de concours récents - Solutions complètes et détaillées - Tuyển tập 300 bài tập và lời giải môn toán đại số tuyến tính và hình học giải tích

28. advanced engineering mathematics This book has evolved from lectures on engineering mathematics given regularly overmany years to students at all levels in the United States, England, and elsewhere. It covers the more advanced aspects of engineering mathematics that are common to all first engineering degrees, and it differs from texts with similar names by the emphasis it places on certain topics, the systematic development of the underlying theory before making applications, and the inclusion of new material. Its special features are as follows.

29. algèbre et géométrie PC-PSI-PTèbre-et-geometrie-PC-PSI-PT.html Jeune lycéen, j'avais, pour les manuels scolaires, une vénération quasi-religieuse. Que représentaient pour moi ces livres qu'une main zélée avait soigneusement recouverts en début d'année? Je ne saurais le dire avec précision: Ils contenaient, sans doute, la Vérité. À mon sens, par exemple, un théorème ne pouvait être énoncé que dans le scrupuleux respect des termes de l'ouvrage; Approximative, la restitution n'était pas valable. L'utilisation, par les professeurs, des polycopiés (rappels et compléments de cours, énoncés de problèmes...) N'était pas, alors, habituelle

30. matlab a practical introduction to programming and problem solving The purpose of this book is to teach fundamentals of programming concepts and skills needed for basic problem solving, all using MATLABW as the vehicle. MATLAB is a powerful software package that has built-in functions to accomplish a diverse range of tasks, from mathematical operations to three-dimensional imaging. Additionally, MATLAB has a complete set of programming constructs that allows users to customize programs to their own specifications.

31. logique et mathématiques En 1986,16 écoles recrutaient après le bac ou au niveau bac pour quatre ou cinq années d’études. Elles sont près de 70 aujourd’hui! C’est dire s’il devient de plus en plus difficile, pour un candidat, de choisir son établissement. Privilégiez les écoles anciennes (qui ont, par exemple, diplômé plus de trois promotions, qui existent donc depuis au moins sept ans), celles ayant des labels officiels (voir page vi). Seuls cinq établissements dans cette catégorie sont habilités actuellement à délivrer le grade de master qui est le plus haut label dont peut bénéficier à ce jour une école de commerce:

32. QCM de mathématiques Voici le deuxième volume d’un recueil de Q. CM destiné aux étudiants des classes préparatoires au Haut Enseignement Commercial, option générale et option économique. Ce volume contient 13 questionnaires couvrant les probabilités et les statistiques, ainsi que l’ensemble du programme d’algèbre. Chaque chapitre regroupe 10 questions comportant chacune cinq affirmations dont l’une au moins est vraie.

33. tests psychotechniques aptitude logique, organisation, attention Si vous affrontez une épreuve de logique pour la première fois, vous risquez d’être désorienté. Face à une multitude de petits dessins géométriques et de consignes obscures telles que ô complétez la matrice”, ou ô poursuivre la séquence”, vous pouvez être pris d’un sentiment de découragement. Avec de l’entraînement, en revanche, vous êtes en terrain connu et ne perdez pas de temps à comprendre les questions; Par ailleurs, être accoutumé à un certain type d’épreuve vous permettra de prendre des décisions de façon quasi instinctive

34. analyse exercices avec solutions Le présent volume est le premier d'une série d'exercices avec solutions développées qui s'adresse aux étudiants des classes préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles scientifiques et du premier cycle universitaire. Les objectifs d'un recueil de ce type sont bien connus : il s'agit essentiellement d’aider le lecteur à évaluer ses connaissances et à les mettre en œuvre; ceci implique aussi bien une réflexion sur la nature des concepts et une prise de conscience des limites de l'outil constitué par te cours que la recherche d'une maîtrise des techniques de calcul.

35. algébre linéaire et géométrie Le but de cette collection “Applications Mathématiques avec Matlab” est de comprendre et d'utiliser les outils mathématiques fondamentaux de premier cycle à l'aide d'un logiciel de calcul. Elle correspond à l'esprit des formations en IUT, BTS, Ecoles d'ingénieurs, mais aussi en premiers semestres du cycle L du nouveau schéma LMD. Nous nous sommes basés sur l'expérience de nos cours, travaux dirigés et séances de travaux pratiques de mathématiques avec des étudiants de 1ére et 2éme année du département d'Informatique d'IUT de l'Université du Havre. Pour cet enseignement

36. tous les exercices d’analyse mp Ce livre couvre le programme d’Analyse de deuxième année MP et poursuit la démarche rédactionnelle entamée avec les ouvrages de première année. Comme pour l’ensemble de la collection, le respect du programme officiel est un principe que nous avons suivi à la lettre. Par ailleurs, le programme prévoit la reprise et l’approfondissement en deuxième année de certains points abordés en première année: Suites numériques, fonctions réelles d’une variable réelle, intégration sur un segment. Nous avons mis à profit cette possibilité pour que le présent ouvrage

37. maths pcsi-ptsi En proposant ici réuni en un seulouvrage le programme de la première année PCSI et PTSIdes Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles, nous avons voulu privilégier la simplicité et la concision. Nous avonscherché pour chaque nouvelle notion l’introduction la plus simple et les démonstrations les plus compréhensibles pour le débutant. Ce livre ne se substituepas au cours oral d’un professeur, mais nous espérons qu’il constituera pour l’étudiant un outil de travail et de référence. Quelques repères typographiques doivent aider le lecteur:

38. fundamentals of petroleum refining Fundamentals of Petroleum Refining provides a thorough and balanced introduction to refinery engineering topics from basic concepts and unit operations to overall refinery economics. Based on the fundamentals of thermodynamics and kinetics, the text develops the scientific background needed for an understanding of refinery operations. It also provides an indepth description of major refinery processes and then assimilates an integrated refinery by focusing on the economic and operational aspects necessary for enhancing performance and profitability.

39. mécanique du point Comment aller à l’essentiel, comprendre les méthodes et les démarches avant de les mettre en application? Conçus pour faciliter aussi bien l’apprentissage que la révision, les Mini Manuels proposent un cours concis et richement illustré pour vous accompagner jusqu’à l’examen. Des exemples sous forme d’encarts, des mises en garde et des méthodes pour éviter les pièges et connaître les astuces, enfin des exercices, tous corrigés, complètent le cours. Ce Mini Manuel de Mécanique du point présente l’essentiel à comprendre et à savoir en Mécanique du point pour tout étudiant en L1/L2 de Sciences de la Matière, Sciences Physiques et en Sciences pour l’Ingénieur.

40. mécanique générale Dans le langage courant, la mécanique est d’abord le domaine des machines (moteurs, véhicules, engrenages, poulies, arbres de transmission, piston...), bref, de tout ce qui produit ou transmet un mouvement ou bien s’oppose à ce mouvement. Pour les scientifiques, la mécanique est la discipline qui étudie les mouvements des systèmes matériels et les forces qui provoquent ou modifient ces mouvements.

41. automation and robotics In this book for the optimisation of assembly conveyor lines we are dealing with series part production featured by a medium complexity degree and a medium number of individual components and assembly technique alternatives. Modern production techniques for medium to large series products or mass production usually involve assembly conveyor lines. They still use hand labour more or less automated.

42. mechanical engineering Welcome to the challenging and exciting world of engineering! This book has been written to help get you through six specialist units of the revised BTEC National Certificate and Diploma awards in Engineering. It provides the essential underpinning knowledge required of a student who wishes to pursue a career in engineering. The book has been written by a highly experienced further education lecturer, who has over 30 years of practical teaching experience, with contributions from specialist lecturers in Engineering Design and Pneumatics and Hydraulics

43. cours de physique mécanique du point Le cours présenté dans ce livre est le fruit de plusieurs années d’enseignement dispensé aux étudiants de première année à l’université du Maine. Il s’agit d’un cours d’introduction à la mécanique du point et des systèmes de points matériels. Notre souci au cours de la rédaction de cet ouvrage a été de nous référer aux connaissances acquises par les étudiants dans les classes du secondaire afin d’assurer une transition la plus continue possible.

44. électrostatique et magnétostatique L’ensemble formé par l’électrostatique, le magnétisme et l’électromagnétisme tels qu’ils sont enseignés aujourd’hui est parfaitement cohérent, et ressemble à une construction entièrement logique: Quelques expériences fondamentales permettent d’induire des lois générales d’où découlent, par des raisonnementsmathématiques, d’autres loismerveilleusement vérifiées par l’expérience. On se donne même parfois le luxe de suivre un cheminement pseudo-historique pour dérouler cette belle histoire.

45. mécanique des structures Mécanique Des Structures, tome 1-5: solides élastiques plaques et coques; poutres; thermique des structures dynamique des structures; solides élastiques plaques et coques exercices partie i; poutres exercices

46. Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia Curriculum: Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia....Earth is teeming with life. No one knows exactly how many distinct organisms inhabit our planet, but more than 5 million different species of animals and plants could exist, ranging from microscopic algae and bacteria to gigantic elephants, redwood trees and blue whales.

47. beyond photoshop advanced techniques integrating photoshop with illustrator, poser, painter, cinema 4d, and zbrush Beyond Photoshop Advanced Techniques Integrating Photoshop with Illustrator, Poser, Painter, Cinema 4D, and ZBrush. Each chapter in this book is a stand-alone project. One chapter does not lead into the next. You can literally open the book and start with any chapter that interests you. I have decided to follow the format I used previously in Creative Photoshop. Each chapter begins with an inspirational image, and then a highly detailed, step-by-step walkthrough carries you through the process of how it was created. (Sách hướng dẫn thực hành Photoshop nâng cao, bản tiếng anh nhưng với trình bày ví dụ minh họa bằng hình ảnh nên rất dễ nắm bắt, mời bạn tải tài liệu này)

48. mastering microsoft exchange server 2007 sp1 Exchange Server 2007 has been out just over two years now and we are a year into the release of Service Pack 1. Almost a year ago, Agatha Kim (acquisitions editor at Wiley) And I began talking about how this book could be improved with a second edition. We looked carefully at what people had told us they liked as well as places that I felt like we could provide even more content.

49. elementary chemical reactor analysis Cuốn sách này cung cấp phương thức phân tích và tổng hợp các phản ứng hóa học, đặc biệt hữu ích dành cho sinh viên, kỹ sư chuyên ngành về hóa học. Qua cuốn sách này, người đọc sẽ có sự hiểu biết kỹ hơn về quy trình cũng như phương thức diễn ra phản ứng hóa học nhằm mục đích nâng cao trình độ và phương pháp nghiên cứu. Cuốn sách được chia làm hai phần chính với 10 chương nhỏ sẽ cung cấp đầy đủ những hiểu biết từ những nguyên lý cơ bản cho tới những vấn đề cốt lõi chuyên sâu của phản ứng hóa học.

50. basic algebra Basic Algebra and its companion volume Advanced Algebra systematically develop concepts and tools in algebra that are vital to every mathematician, whether pure or applied, aspiring or established. These two books together aim to give the reader a global view of algebra, its use, and its role in mathematics as a whole.

51. Elementary Introduction to the Theory of Pseudodifferential Operators Text book for mathematics, Elementary Introduction to the Theory of Pseudodifferential Operators (Studies in Advanced Mathematics)This book represents information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Every reasonable effort has been made to give reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use.

52. Android A Programmer’s Guide Welcome to Android: A Programmer’s Guide. This book has been designed to give you the best first step toward the exciting new frontier of open source mobile development.Android is the newest mobile device operating system, and this is one of the first books to help the average programmer become a fearless Android developer.

53. Android for programmers an app driven approach Welcome to the dynamic world of Android smartphone and tablet app development with the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) 2.3.x and 3.x, the Java™ programming language and the Eclipse™ integrated development environment (IDE).

54. Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android with Open GLES 2.0 (Lập trình trò chơi và đồ họa cho iOS và Android với Open GLES 2.0)ô-hoa-cho-iOS-va-Android-voi-Open-GLES-2.0).html WELCOME TO Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android with OpenGL ES 2.0. This book is not your usual “OpenGL Hello Triangle” book — it’s not meant to explain the “why” (Google is there for that), but rather, to show you the “how.” This book will strictly teach you what works and what doesn’t when it comes to game and graphics programming.

55. Lectures on Matrices (Bài giảng về ma trận)ề-ma-tran).html This book contains on matrices given at Princeton University at various times since 1920.Cuốn sách này chứa trên ma trận được đưa ra tại Đại học Princeton vào những thời điểm khác nhau kể từ năm 1920.

56. Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra (Các yếu tố của Tóm tắt và Đại số tuyến tính)Đai-so-tuyen-tinh).html In 1965 I rst taught an undergraduate course in abstract algebra. It was fun to teach because the material was interesting and the class was outstanding. Five of those students later earned a Ph.D. Năm 1965 tôi tiên dạy một khóa học đại học trong đại số trừu tượng. Đó là thú vị để dạy vì nguyên liệu thú vị và lớp học đã được xuất sắc. năm trong số những học sinh sau lấy bằng tiến sĩ trong toán học.

57. differential algebra Differential Algebra

58. Abstract algebra (Đại số trừu tượng)Đai-so-truu-tuong).html I rst taught an abstract algebra course in 1968, using Herstein's Topics in Algebra. It's hard to improve on his book; the subject may have become broader, with applications to computing and other areas, but Topics contains the core of any course. Unfortunately, the subject hasn't become any easier, so students meeting abstract algebra still struggle to learn the new concepts, especially since they are probably still learning how to write their own proofs. Tôi tiên dạy một khóa học đại số trừu tượng vào năm 1968, sử dụng chủ đề Herstein trong Đại số. Thật khó để cải thiện trên cuốn sách của mình; chủ đề có thể đã trở nên rộng hơn, với các ứng dụng máy tính và các khu vực khác, nhưng chủ đề chứa cốt lõi của khóa học. Thật không may, vấn đề này đã không trở thành bất kỳ dễ dàng hơn, vì vậy học sinh đạt đại số trừu tượng vẫn còn đấu tranh để tìm hiểu những khái niệm mới, đặc biệt là kể từ khi họ có thể vẫn còn đang học cách viết bằng chứng của mình.

59. probability theory - the logic of science Jaynes died April 30, 1998. Before his death he asked me to finish and publish his book on probability theory. I struggled with this for some time, because there is no doubt in my mind that Jaynes wanted this book finished. Unfortunately, most of the later Chapters, Jaynes’ intended volume 2 on applications, were either missing or incomplete and some of the early also Chapters had missing pieces.

60. Ant Colony Optimization Ants exhibit complex social behaviors that have long since attracted the attention of human beings. Probably one of the most noticeable behaviors visible to us is the for- mation of so-called ant streets. When we were young, several of us may have stepped on such an ant highway or may have placed some obstacle in its way just to see how the ants would react to such disturbances.

61. Optimization for Machine Learning Since its earliest days as a discipline, machine learning has made use of optimization formulations and algorithms. Likewise, machine learning has contributed to optimization, driving the development of new optimization approaches that address the significant challenges presented by machine learning applications. This cross-fertilization continues to deepen, producing

62. Giáo trình tiếng Nga 1 Tác giả: Đỗ Thị Tho 1.37Mb- 85tr NXB: ambn (Ấn hành)

63. Move First, Think Later: sense and nonsense in improving your chess The book contents 27 chapters about: first move, then plan, then judge; look and you will see versus trial and error; my most beautiful move; recognizing the similar; the particular and the general; seeing combinations and making plans; chance in chess; trust your chess module; strategic exercises; random puzzling; conclusions...Each chapter has exercises

64. Chương trình kỹ sư công nghệ thông tin Nhật Bản Chương trình kỹ sư công nghệ thông tin Nhật Bản. Thông tin sách: Tác giả: Phạm Văn Phúc (Sưu tầm). NXB: ambn

65. Secret sources Secret sources. Thông tin sách: Tác giả: Mike Adams. Số trang: 139

66. Chemistry fourth edition hemistry fourth edition. Thông tin sách: Tác giả: McMurry Fay. Số trang: 1069

67. 102 Things you need to know before you file bankruptcy 102 Things you need to know before you file bankruptcy. Thông tin sách: Written and Published by: Victoria Ring, Bankruptcy Paralegal. Số trang: 35

68. giáo trình hán ngữ tập 3 Giáo trình Hán Ngữ của tác giả: - Trần Thị Thanh Liêm ( chủ biên ) - Đinh Đức Đạm - Trần Đức Lân - Vũ Thị Hồng Liên - Đinh Thị Thanh Nga - Ngô Phương- Trần Đức Thắng. Đây là Bộ sách tập 3 trong tổng số 3 tập. Bộ này gồm 2 quyển Thượng và Hạ do NXB:Đại học sư phạm ấn hành. Số trang lần lượt là 327 424.

69. giáo trình hán ngữ tập - II GIÁO TRÌNH HÁN NGỮ -TÂP II. Tác giả: - Trần Thị Thanh Liêm ( chủ biên ) - Đinh Đức Đạm - Trần Đức Lân - Vũ Thị Hồng Liên - Đinh Thị Thanh Nga - Ngô Phương- Trần Đức Thắng NXB:Đại học sư phạm: Số trang:237: Cuốn sách " Giáo trình hán ngữ" hiện tại sẽ là tài liệu học tập thiết thực, hữu ích không những đối với sinh viên học tiếng Hàn ở các trường chuyên ngữ mà còn là bộ sách giáo khoa hữu ích đối với các bạn trẻ đang tự học, tìm hiểu và nghiên cứu tiếng phổ thông Trung Quốc.

70. Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide When I began work on this book, I performed a search on Amazon for the phrase “web design.” I found books on everything from HTML to XML and from web graphics to web usability. What is the beginning reader supposed to think? Where should she begin in this huge list of possibilities?

71. Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex The somewhat famous "Three Essays," which Dr. Brill is here bringing to the attention of an English−reading public, occupy−−brief as they are−−an important position among the achievements of their author, a great investigator and pioneer in an important line. It is not claimed that the facts here gathered are altogether new

72. Theology in Stone: Church Architecture from Byzantium to Berkeley Church architecture is a contentious field of inquiry. Polemics, dogmatism, and caricature abound. It would be unrealistic to think any book could resolve the controversies, but a fresh look at the most basic questions about churches, their meanings and their uses, may prove useful to all sides

73. A COMPANION TO THE ROMAN EMPIRE It is a pleasure to thank the many people who made this volume possible. First and foremost my gratitude to the diverse contributors is enormous.

74. The Global Nomad Backpacker Travel in Theory and Practice This volume is the product of the research programme on backpacking developed by the Backpacker ResearchGroup (BRG) of theAssociation for Tourismand Leisure Education (ATLAS). The BRGwas initiated inHainan in October 2000 by a few ATLAS members who shared the general feeling that backpacker research was becoming an important field of enquiry

75. Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples The appearance of a revised English edition of Professor Nakamura's work will be warmly welcomed by scholars and by laymen who seek to understand the complex societies of Asia with whose destinies the West is ever more intimately involved

76. THE VEST POCKET CFO The chief financial officer must communicate important and accurate financial information to senior-level executives, the board of directors, divisional managers, employees, and various third parties

77. The Theory of Games and Game Models This is an introduction into the theory of games and the use of games to model a variety of situations. It is directed at third year computer science students. As such it contains some proofs

78. PORTABLE MBA IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT n the 1990s, project management moved from a little-used industrial engineering discipline to the engine of managing America’s work. Prior to 1990, project management techniques were unknown to most corporate managers who considered projects to be the realm of engineers or the IS department. In universities,

79. THE LOGIC OF CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS The title of this three-part volume derives from a key theme of the bookthe logic underlying the rational analysis of complex synthetic problems.

80. TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE WIRELESS FUTURE On behalf of the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), I would like to congratulate the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) for publishing its 3rd book titled ‘Technologies for the Wireless Future – Volume 2’. This book contains the up-to-date collection ofWWRF’s white papers developed during the past 12 to 18 months

81. Teaching As LeAdership On the First day oF school in 1950,  an eleven-year-old named Spottswood Bolling walked up to the doors of the brand-new John Philip Sousa Junior High School in southeast Washington, D.C. and made a simple request: he wanted to enter

82. STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT USING A PROJECT MANAGEMENT To win a decathlon requires the extreme best from the participant. It is a very grueling and demanding set of events. The decathlete is usually very good and in fact the best in one or two events and in good standing in the other eight or nine events. The objective is to be the overall best in all ten events.

83. Strategic Corporate Finance Strategic Corporate Finance provides a ‘‘real-world’’ application of the principles of modern corporate finance, with a practical, investment banking advisory perspective. Building on 15 years of corporate finance advisory experience, this book serves to bridge the chronic gap between corporate finance theory and practice

84. CMOS PLL Synthesizers Analysis and Design Thanks to the advance of semiconductor and communication technology, the wireless communication market has been booming in the last two decades. It evolved from simple pagers to emerging third-generation (3G) cellular phones. In the meanwhile, broadband communication market has also gained a rapid growth

85. Construction Economics Although the book cover implies this is all my own work, it was not achieved alone; inevitably the students and staff that I have worked with in Bristol and Bath have made their mark. In particular, Melanie Dunster, an economist with a keen eye for language, helped enormously.

86. Solvents and Solvent E¤ects in Organic Chemistry¤ects-in-Organic-Chemistry.html Meeting the demand for the second edition of this book, which is – despite a reprint in 1990 – no longer available, and considering the progress that has been made during the last decade in the study of solvent e¤ects in experimental and theoretical organic chemistry, this improved third edition is presented to the interested reader.

87. Reviews in Computational Chemistry Volume 17 The aphorism ‘‘Knowledge is power’’ applies to diverse circumstances.Anyone who has climbed an organizational ladder during a career understands this concept and knows how to exploit it. The problem for scientists, however, is that there may exist too much to know,

88. Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams This book is designed as aninternational referenceworkon the behaviour, design and analysis of reinforced concret deepbeams. It is intended to meet the needs of practising civil and structural engineers, consulting engineering and contracting firms, research institutes, universities and colleges.

89. Reading Bohr: Physics and Philosophy This book is an exploration of the relationships between physics and philosophy in Niels Bohr’s work, in quantum mechanics, and, finally, in physics itself, as, in Galileo’s phrase, a “mathematical science of nature.”

90. RADIO-FREQUENCY AND MICROWAVE COMMUNICATION CIRCUITS Wireless technology continues to grow at a tremendous rate, with new applications still reported almost daily. In addition to the traditional applications in communications, such as radio and television, radio-frequency (RF) and microwaves are being used in cordless phones, cellular communication, local area networks, and personal communication systems. Keyless door entry, radio-frequency identification, monitoring of patients in a hospital or a nursing home, cordless mice or keyboards for computers, and wireless networking of home appliances are some of the other areas where RF technology is being employed

91. Protecting YourWealth in Good Times and Bad PROTECTING YOUR WEALTH IN GOOD TIMES AND BAD is an essential guidebook to a secure saving and investing strategy. Step by step, this book walks you through the process of developing and implementing a sound lifelong plan to grow and protect your hardearned assets. Understanding how the accumulation and distribution of money will take place during the course of your life is critical to forming a financial plan

92. Professional Event Coordination When asked how long it has taken me to design something, I always answer, “All my life.” When asked how I was able to write this book, I will always have to answer, “All my friends.” My deepest thanks to my former business partner Virginia Huffman of Expo Events, Inc., with whom, for more than a decade

93. PROCESSING MESOCARBON MICROBEADS TO HIGH-PERFORMANCE MATERIALS FOR FRICTION APPLICATIONS Carbon is a unique element that has an extraordinary ability to combine with itself and other elements in a variety of ways, resulting in a vast number of structural forms of solid carbon

94. PRINCIPLES OF POLYMERIZATION This book describes the physical and organic chemistry of the reactions by which polymer molecules are synthesized. The sequence I have followed is to introduce the reader to the characteristics which distinguish polymers from their much smaller sized homologs

95. Polymeric Drug Delivery Systems Despite massive efforts in drug discovery fueled by combinatory chemistry, recombinant DNA technology, and high throughput screening, surprisingly few molecules make it through the drug development process. While the reasons are debated, it is certain that many new chemical entities (NCEs) suffer from recurring problems that hinder development—low water solubility, instability, or inadequate pharmacokinetics. An estimated 43% of NCEs are poorly water-soluble.

96. Polymer Dispersions and Their Industrial Applications Aqueous polymer dispersions are important raw materials used in a variety of industrial processes. They consist of very small polymer particles dispersed in water and appear as milky fluids

97. PHYSICS CLASSICAL MECHANICS This chapter deals with the calculation of the positions of the centres of mass of various bodies. We start with a brief explanation of the meaning of centre of mass, centre of gravity and centroid, and a very few brief sentences on their physical significance

98. Perfumery Practice and Principles Some thirty years ago the perfumery profession was shaken by the commercialization of the gas chromatograph. In lectures, roundtable discussions, and private conversation hot debates centered around the question whether this analytical tool

99. ORGANIC BROMINE AND LODINE COMPOUNDS Environmental Chemistry is a relatively young science. Interest in this subject, however, is growing very rapidly and, although no agreement has been reached as yet about the exact content and limits of this interdisciplinary discipline, there appears to be increasing interest in seeing environmental topics which are based on chemistry embodied in this subject

100. Programming the iPhone User Experience The launch of the iPhone software development kit (SDK) was a big deal for developers, designers, and consumers alike. Developers and designers were able to access a previously closed platform and distribution channel. Consumers were excited to explore an endless stream of new applications created by passionate independent developers and innovative companies

101. Optimization Methods in Finance This book has its origins in courses taught at Carnegie Mellon University in the Masters program in Computational Finance and in the MBA program at the Tepper School of Business (G erard Cornu ejols), and at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, and the University of Coimbra, Portugal

102. Construction Mathematics This book is intended to provide the essential mathematics required by construction craft students. It covers the learning outcomes of the mathematics part of the unit construction science and mathematics for the BTEC First Diploma course in construction

103. New Frontiers in Banking Services This book is devoted to an issue that is the subject of growing interest amongst policy makers, financial providers and academics. That issue is the problem of unbanking or underbanking in developed countries

104. New Architecture and Technology The author wishes to express his appreciation to all those who contributed in their different ways to the preparation of the book by information, illustrations or other means. The author records his gratitude to Julius Rudnay who was kind enough to read the first draft of Chapter 1 and to make a number of useful suggestions

105. NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR CANCER THERAPY We are at the threshold of a new era in cancer treatment and diagnosis, brought about by the convergence of two disciplines—materials engineering and life sciences—that 30 years ago might have been difficult to envision. The product of this curious marriage, nanobiotechnology, is yielding many surprises and fostering many hopes in the drug-development space

106. Alcohol Methods and Protocols Alcohol consumption is often characterized as an environmental stress to the organism. In response to the stress of alcohol exposure, complex cellular and organismal adaptations occur to and manage this insult. In most individuals, modest alcohol consumption over the course of a lifetime does not result in substantive health risks, and in the pathophysiology of some diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, modest alcohol consumption may actually be protective

107. MOLD DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS The mold is probably the most important element of a molding machine. It is a arrangement, in one assembly, of one (or a number of) hollow cavity spaces built to the shape of the desired product, with the purpose of producing large numbers of plastic parts

108. Modern Polyesters: Chemistry and Technology of Polyesters and Copolyesters The Wiley Series in Polymer Science aims to cover topics in polymer science where significant advances have been made over the past decade. Key features of the series will be developing areas and new frontiers in polymer science and technology

109. THE MODERN ASPECTS OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY Prof. Jerzy Sobkowski starts off this 31st volume of Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry with a far-ranging discussion of experimental results from the past 10 years of interfacial studies. It forms a good background for the two succeeding chapters.

110. iPhone SDK Programming The response to the iPhone is overwhelming. The App Store has captured the hobbyist’s imagination like no other platform in recent memory. Hobbyists have made—and will continue making—money from their creations sold on the App Store. And we aren’t necessarily talking about high-minded technical innovations. The media has reported that apps that make your iPhone pass gas have made folks hundreds of thousands of dollars

111. Introduction to Electrical Engineering The aim of this chapter is to introduce electrical engineering. The chapter is organized to provide the newcomer with a view of the different specialties making up electrical engineering and to place the intent and organization of the book into perspective. Perhaps the first question that surfaces in the mind of the student approaching the subject is

112. Mathematics of the Discrete Fourier Transform This reader is an outgrowth of my course entitled “Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) which I have given at the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) every year for the past 16 years

113. Mathematical Methods for Engineers and Scientists 3 For some 30 years, I have taught two “Mathematical Physics” courses. One of them was previously named “Engineering Analysis.” There are several textbooks of unquestionable merit for such courses, but I could not find one that fitted our needs. It seemed to me that students might have an easier time if some changes were made in these books. I ended up using class notes. Actually, I felt the same about my own notes, so they got changed again and again.

114. Mathematical Methods for Engineers and Scientists For some thirty years, I have taught two “Mathematical Physics” courses. One of them was previously named “Engineering Analysis”. There are several textbooks of unquestionable merit for such courses, but I could not find one that fitted our needs. It seemed to me that students might have an easier time if some changes were made in these books. I ended up using class notes. Actually I felt the same about my own notes, so they got changed again and again

115. Marketing in the Twenty-First Century Change is occurring at an accelerating rate; today is not like yesterday, and tomorrow will be different from today. Continuing today’s strategy is risky; so is turning to a new strategy. Therefore, tomorrow’s successful companies will have to heed three certainties:

116. MARKET DOMINANCE AND ANTITRUST POLICY, SECOND EDITION Even to the casual observer it might appear that problems of market dominance and antitrust policy are almost daily in the news. Amongst the more prominent examples are the following: officials of the European Commission pay unannounced visits to the headquarters of some of the most famous companies in the world and seize documents that appear to show that they have been colluding on prices

117. THE MANAGING BUDGETS POCKETBOOK “A clear presentation of ‘how to’ in an area of management where there are so many examples of ‘we didn’t’. It successfully deals with a subject area that is either mystique ridden or handled too simplistically, showing that budgets are based on a series of practical management decisions rather than on one simple technique”.

118. Living Polymers and Mechanisms of Anionic Polymerization First reports describing the processes classified today as "anionic polymerizations" appeared at the end of the last century. At that time several authors reported the formation of gums and resins produced under the influence of alkali metals.

119. Law and the State This book evolved out of two Corsica Law and Economics Workshops, respectively held in Marseilles (May 2003) and in Reims (May 2004). Scholars invited to give papers were given carte blanche,but were asked to revise their contributions after the conference discussions. Here we present a selection of those papers.

120. Parasitic-Aware Optimization of CMOS RF Circuits The annual market for wireless devices exceeds tens of billions of dollars worldwide. As markets expand and evolve, there is an insatiable demand for greater functionality in smaller form factor devices, seamless compatibility with various communications standards, longer battery operating lifetimes, and, of course, lower costs

121. DESIGN OF ANALOG FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLERS IN CMOS TECHNOLOGIES We would like to express our gratitude to all persons who contributed in the realization of this book. We are grateful to Prof. Denis Flandre, Prof. Piotr Sobieski and Prof. Vincent Wertz from the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) and Prof. Joos Vandewalle from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), for their helpful remarks that have certainly improved this manuscript

122. IP for 3G For some years, commentators have been predicting the ‘convergence’ of the Internet and mobile industries. But what does convergence mean? Is it just about mobile phones providing Internet access?

123. Investing in Fixer-Uppers Starting my house-fixing career in Northern California, back in the 1970s, seemed like a perfect opportunity at the time! I had no idea back then that one of the worst real estate recessions since the end of World War II was lurking around the corner

124. Introduction to Proteomics Mass spectrometry has evolved tremendously since Professor Klaus Biemann first analyzed amino acids in a mass spectrometer in 1958. The clear challenge in Biemann’s first experiment was how to introduce nonpolar molecules into the mass spectrometer to create ions. In the years since 1958, several new ionization techniques and sample introduction methods appeared and stimulated much progress in the analysis of biomolecules

125. INTRODUCTION TO CHEMICAL TRANSPORT IN THE ENVIRONMENT Estimating the transport and fate of chemicals released into the environment is an interesting and challenging task. The global environment is large on the chemical transport and fate scale. This text applies the mathematics of diffusion, turbulent diffusion, and dispersion to the atmosphere, lakes, rivers, groundwater, and oceans, as well as transport between thesemedia.

126. Introduction to Fiber Optics An increasing proportion of the world’s communications are carried by fiber optic cables. It has spread quietly, almost without being noticed into every situation in which information is being transmitted whether it is within the home hi-fi system, cable television or telecommunication cables under the oceans

127. Introduction to Differential Geometry & General Relativity 1. Preliminaries: Distance, Open Sets, Parametric Surfaces and Smooth Functions 2. Smooth Manifolds and Scalar Fields 3. Tangent Vectors and the Tangent Space 4. Contravariant and Covariant Vector Fields 5. Tensor Fields 6. Riemannian Manifolds 7. Locally Minkowskian Manifolds: An Introduction to Relativity 8. Covariant Differentiation 9. Geodesics and Local Inertial Frames 10. The Riemann Curvature Tensor 11. A Little More Relativity: Comoving Frames and Proper Time 12. The Stress Tensor and the Relativistic Stress-Energy Tensor 13. Two Basic Premises of General Relativity 14. The Einstein Field Equations and Derivation of Newton's Law 15. The Schwarzschild Metric and Event Horizons 16. White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars and Black Holes, by Gregory C. Levine

128. Intelligent and Adaptive Systems in Medicine The editors would like to extend their gratitude to Professor D. A. Linkens for his encouragement; i rst, for his assistance in setting up and supporting the EUNITE meeting at Coventry University and second, in supporting, together with R.F. Mould, the concept of archiving the materials and discussions of the meeting, which now form the bases of the chapters of this book

129. Inclusive Urban Design There is a broad consensus about the optimal design features of buildings for people with dementia but the external environment has been neglected until recently. The research on which this book is based was a brave and rare attempt to fill this gap. This makes this book unique and especially important. People with dementia, and others with cognitive impairment, are constantly unnecessarily disabled by incomprehensible environments. We should do all

130. Interactive Curve Modeling Interactive curve modeling techniques and their applications are extremely useful in a number of academic and industrial settings. Specifically, curve modeling plays a significant role in multidisciplinary problem solving. It is extremely useful in various situations like font design, designing objects, CAD/CAM, medical imaging and visualization, scientific data visualization, virtual reality, object recognition, etc. In particular, various problems like iris recognition,

131. Data Mining Opportunities and Challenges Data mining (DM) is the extraction of hidden predictive information from large databases (DBs). With the automatic discovery of knowledge implicit within DBs, DM uses sophisticated statistical analysis and modeling techniques to uncover patterns and relation ships hidden in organizational DBs

132. HOW TO HIRE A CHAMPION “How to Hire a Champion is highly accessible and thought provoking. It has the uncanny power of putting the reader in multiple positions—that of candidate, hiring manager, CEO, and coworker—so as to provide 360 degree insight into the optimal hiring process. Moreover, its emphasis on character

133. HOW TO ACE THE BRAINTEASER INTERVIEW Why do employers subject already nervous job candidates to brainteasers, puzzles, business cases, and other mind-benders? Do such puzzles really help employers build teams of highly logical, curious, successful, hard-working, motivated contributors who can be expected to hit the ground running?

134. Hibernate Quickly Like many others, I started writing my own persistence framework before I discovered Hibernate. In 2002, I was working on a large business-to-business portal that underwent frequent changes. It seemed that the persistence code changed weekly, making it impossible to both maintain the SQL and have a stable system

135. Handbook of Parenting This new edition of the Handbook of Parenting appears at a time that is momentous in the history of parenting. The family generally, and parenting specifically, are today in a greater state of flux, question, and redefinition than perhaps ever before. We are witnessing the emergence of striking permutations on the theme of parenting: blended families, lesbian and gay parents, teen versus fifties first-time moms and dads. One cannot but be awed on the biological front by technology that now renders postmenopausal women capable of childbearing and with the possibility of designing babies.

136. Handbook of Size Exclusion Chromatography Molecular weight and molecular weight distribution are well known to affect the properties of polymeric materials. Even though for decades viscosity has been an integral part of product specifications used to characterize molecular weight of polymeric materials in industry, the need to define the molecular weight distribution of a product has attracted little attention

137. GSM and UMTS All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except under the terms of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency

138. Governance as Leadership BoardSource is the premier resource for practical information, new ideas, and leadership development for board members of nonprofit organizations worldwide. Through highly acclaimed programs and services,BoardSource enables nonprofit organizations to fulfill their missions by helping build strong and effective boards.As the world’s largest,most comprehensive publisher of materials on nonprofit governance, BoardSource offers a wide selection of books, videotapes, CDs, and online tools

139. Global Firms and Emerging Markets in an Age of Anxiety Multinationals, as most people would know, recognize, admire, fear, and criticize, have been variously characterized for more than three decades. In the 1970s, an American, a British, or a European company that had subsidiaries in two or more countries was called a multinational corporation. In the 1980s, considering the history of foreign investment, a variety of nonmanufacturing companies—such as banks, insurance companies, and trading companies also came to be recognized asmultinational companies

140. Gender , violence and security On beginning my Master’s degree, after some time away from the academy, I found the language of International Relations almost entirely impenetrable. struggling, I made an appointment to see the course director to tell her that I couldn’t possibly continue with the programme. she told me to hang in there, that it would all become clear if I persevered.

141. Game Theory: A Very Short Introduction When my wife was away for the day at a pleasant little conference in Tuscany, three young women invited me to share their table for lunch. As I sat down, one of them said in a sultry voice, ‘Teach us how to play the game of love’, but it turned out that all they wanted was advice on how to manage Italian boyfriends

142. GAME THEORY Game theory is a fascinating subject. We all know many entertaining games, such as chess, poker, tic-tac-toe, bridge, baseball, computer games — the list is quite varied and almost endless. In addition, there is a vast area of economic games, discussed in Myerson (1991) and Kreps (1990), and the related political games, Ordeshook (1986) nShubik (1982), and Taylor (1995). The competition between firms, the conflict between management and labor, the fight to get bills through congress, the power of the judiciary war and peace negotiations between countries, and so on, all provide examples of games in action

143. GAMES AND INFORMATION, THIRD EDITION This book is about noncooperative game theory and asymmetric information. In the Introduction, I will say why I think these subjects are important, but here in the Preface I will try to help you decide whether this is the appropriate book to read if they do interest you

144. Fundamentals of the Physics of Solids The reader is holding the first volume of a three-volume textbook on solidstate physics. This book is the outgrowth of the courses I have taught for many years at Eötvös University, Budapest, for undergraduate and graduate students under the titles Solid-State Physics and Modern Solid-State Physics

145. Fundamentals of Global Positioning System Receivers The purpose of this book is to present detailed fundamental information on a global positioning system (GPS) receiver. Although GPS receivers are popularly used in every-day life, their operation principles cannot be easily found in one book.

146. Fundamental Limitations in Filtering and Control This book deals with the issue of fundamental limitations in [1]ltering and control system design. This issue lies at the very heart of feedback theory since it reveals what is achievable, and conversely what is not achievable, in feedback systems.

147. FUEL OXYGENATES Environmental Chemistry is a relatively young science. Interest in this subject, however, is growing very rapidly and, although no agreement has been reached as yet about the exact content and limits of this interdisciplinary discipline, there appears to be increasing interest in seeing environmental topics which are based on chemistry embodied in this subject

148. Fruit and vegetable processing Improving quality Fruit and vegetables are both major food products in their own right and key ingredients in many processed foods. Consumers increasingly require food products that preserve their nutritional value, retain a natural and fresh colour, flavour and texture, and contain fewer additives such as preservatives

149. Foundation Flash Applications for Mobile Devices Marco Casario is a dynamic developer in the Adobe (formerly Macromedia) world. He’s an Adobe Certified Instructor in Flex and Flash Lite (Flash and Dreamweaver certified), and he collaborates extensively with Adobe Italy as a speaker and promoter of several events and road shows.

150. FENG SHUI FOR ABUNDANT LIVING This e-book is distributed as is without any warranty of any kind either expressed or implied. All links contained within are valid and operational at their creation. Things change rapidly at websites and pages and websites often disappear. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within.

151. Facing the Complexities of Women’s Sexual Desire This book represents a broad-based approach to a narrow but complex issue. The issue causes distress for many and has been instrumental in family disruption and divorce. Women’s sexual desire—whether it is too little or too much—has become an issue of growing concern and vague promises for solution

152. FACILITY PIPING SYSTEMS HANDBOOK The acceptance of the first edition of the Facility Piping Systems Handbook by engineers throughout the world has been very gratifying. This second edition expands on the previous work by providing additional information to the chapters on individual private sanitary sewage disposal systems

153. EU Private International Law Private international law at the European level is a topic which in recent years has both grown enormously and changed its legal character. Some seven years ago, Professor Stone published a book on Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments in Europe, analysing the 1968 Brussels Convention on that subject and the case law to which it had given rise

154. Environmental Analysis and Technology for the Refining Industry There are many areas of the chemical industry that are responsible for the release of pollutants into the environment. Petroleum refining is one such industry that has seen inadvertent spillage of unrefined petroleum and petroleum products. Since the beginning of the environmental movement in the 1960s, the continuing question relates to the relative condition of the environment.

155. ENTERPRISE WIDE CHANGE Pfeiffer serves the professional development and hands-on resource needs of training and human resource practitioners and gives them products to do their jobs better. We deliver proven ideas and solutions from experts in HR development and HR management

156. Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas This text provides a broad and applications-oriented introduction to electromagnetic waves and antennas. Current interest in these areas is driven by the growth in wireless and fiber-optic communications, information technology, and materials science.

157. ECONOMIC CONCRETE FRAME ELEMENTS This publication was commissioned by the Reinforced Concrete Council, which was set up to promote better knowledge and understanding of reinforced concrete design and building technology.

158. A Brief History of the Olympic Games The Olympic Games. Few phrases immediately bring to mind so many images – grandeur, excellence, internationalism, history maybe even a glimmer of peace. True, a few images are negative. But for many of us the positive images so outweigh them that even real flaws in the games seem almost negligible

159. A Set of Notes on Theoretical Physical Chemistry These are summary notes on vector analysis and vector calculus. The purpose is to serve as a review. Although the discussion here can be generalized to differential forms and the introduction to tensors, transformations and linear algebra, an in depth discussion is deferred to later chapters, and to further reading.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 For the purposes of this review,

160. DoCoMo JAPAN’S WIRELESS TSUNAMI We have a confession to make: This isn’t the book we thought we were going to write. And if you’re looking for a safe, detailed history of an exceptional company, this isn’t it. Let us explain. NTT DoCoMo is a truly exceptional company.

161. Discourse, Communication and Tourism We are grateful to David Botterill, the Welsh School of Hospitality,Tourism and Leisure Management, University of Wales Institute of Cardiff for bringing us and our Departments into contact. We would also like to thank Nigel Morgan who provided some useful comments on the structure of the book and much needed encouragement.

162. DESIGNING PERSONALIZED USER EXPERIENCES IN eCOMMERCE In the Spring of 2003, the three of us facilitated a workshop at the ACM SIGCHI CHI 2003 conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems. The two-day workshop focused on designing personalized user experiences in eCommerce and was attended by a community of about 20 people from around the world who represented academia, industry and government perspectives on the topic.

163. Design Dictionary The understanding of design in general and the structure of scientific research in design inevitably leads to discussions of the central categories for design. Constructive debate and struggles for acceptance fuel such a process—a process that, as a sign of fruitful further refinement, can never be completely finished

164. Derivatives Demystified This book is based on a series of seminars delivered over a period of many years to people working in the global financial markets. The material has expanded and evolved over that time.

165. Defense and Detection Strategies against Internet Worms For quite a long time, computer security was a rather narrow field of study that was populated mainly by theoretical computer scientists, electrical engineers, and applied mathematicians. With the proliferation of open systems in general, and of the Internet and theWorldWideWeb (WWW) in particular, this situation has changed fundamentally.

166. DEATH BY MEETING “If I didn’t have to go to meetings, I’d like my job a lot more.”It’s a remark I’ve heard from many of the leaders I’ve worked with over the years. I used to think that it was understandable—even humorous—but I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s actually a sad comment on the state of our business culture.

167. DATA MINING WITH COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE Nowadays data accumulate at an alarming speed in various storage devices, and so does valuable information. However, it is difficult to understand information hidden in data without the aid of data analysis techniques, which has provoked extensive interest in developing a field separate from machine learning. This new field is data mining.

168. [1]







Crystallization from solusion is a technology in major sectors of the chemical process and allied industries. Crystals are produced in varying sizes ranging from as small as a few tens of nanometers tp several millimetres or more, both as diserete particles and as structured agglomerates

169. Crystal Reports Many people have contributed to the quality and content of this book. I would particularly like to recognize Jaylene Crick of Business Objects for her helpfulness, my acquisitions editor, Terri Varveris, for her overall management of the project,

170. Credit Repair Thank you to Shae Irving, who brought great ideas and energy to this project. For the fourth edition, thank you to James Judd for the material on identity theft.

171. CREATING FACEBOOK APPLICATIONS All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

172. Create Your Own Employee Handbook The authors would like to thank the following people who helped to make this bookpossible: •Our editor, Ilona Bray, whose good humor and easy nature made the editing process fun—and whose words and insights never failed to improve upon what we gave her

173. CORPORATE MANAGEMENT,GOVERNANCE, AND ETHICS BEST PRACTICES Corporate Management, Governance, and Ethics Best Practices was written to provide a one-stop, comprehensive reference source for corporate business practitioners and government employees worldwide. It takes a “big picture” approach to the subject matter and compiles best practices to show what the best practices are but does not address how to implement them.

174. A Guide to Securities Event Management Historically, within the securities industry the topic of corporate actions has been regarded as a specialist subject, yet one involving relatively few specialist people. In addition, Corporate Actions Departments have traditionally been manually intensive, with a low-level of Straight Through Processing (STP). However, organizations within the industry have increasingly recognized the risks (and indeed some organizations have suffered losses directly) and as a result a much greater level of attention is now being given to this topic

175. Contemporary Financial Intermediation In writing this book we set out to modernize the teaching of bank management at universities and collegiate schools of business. Our goal is to expand the scope of the typical bank management course by (1) covering a broader, but still selective, variety of Wnancial institutions, and (2) explaining the why of intermediation, as opposed to simply describing institutions, regulations, and market phenomena. Our approach is unapologetically analytical, and we have tried to make analysis an appealing feature of this book. We will consider the book a success if it leads students to not only discover the endless subtlety and plasticity of Wnancial institutions and credit market practices, but also develop an appreciation for why these institutions, market practices, and governmental regulations are encountered. The unifying theme is that informational considerations are at the heart of what most banks do.

176. Computer Viruses and Malware It seemed like a good idea at the time. In 2003,1 started teaching a course on computer viruses and malicious software to senior undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Calgary. It's been an interesting few years. Computer viruses are a controversial and taboo topic, despite having such a huge impact on our society; needless to say, there was some backlash about this course from outside the University.

177. THE COMPETENCIES POCKETBOOK This pocketbook is about competencies: what they are and how to use them profitablyfor you and your organisation. You need to read it if:

178. Code of practice for the design of steel bridges The use of steel and composite construction for bridges is now recognised as economical over a wide range of spans and is versatile in the many forms in which it may be applied.

179. THE CHEMISTRY OF NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS Nanostructured material has been a very exciting research topic in the past two decades. The impact of these researches to both fundamental science and potential industrial application has been tremendous and is still growing.

180. Chemical Thermodynamics of Materials A thermodynamic description of a process needs a well-defined system.Athermo-dynamic system contains everything of thermodynamic interest for a particular chemical process within a boundary. The boundary is either a real or hypothetical enclosure or surface that confines the systemand separates it fromits surroundings

181. CHEMICAL REACTOR DESIGN This book deals with the design and scaleup of reactors that are used for the production of industrial chemicals or fuels or for the removal of pollutants from process streams. Readers are assumed to have some knowledge of kinetics from courses in physical chemistry or chemical engineering and to be familiar with fundamental concepts of heat transfer, fluid flow, and mass transfer

182. CHEMICAL PROCESS HAZARDS ANALYSIS The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) wishes to thank all persons who commented on this handbook for their help in clarifying and focusing this guidance. Ms. Pamela Sutherland of Battelle-Columbus managed the preparation of this handbook by Battelle Memorial Institute staff in Columbus and at Pacific Northwest Laboratories (PNL).

183. CDMA: Access and Switching Code division may be considered as a generalized method for access and switching in communication networks. Such an approach may be viewed as a user encoding process where the choices of the code and spreading types can create a large set of access and switching techniques in which the traditional ones are included. In this sense, code division can provide a unified approach for multiple access and switching in communications.

184. Cardiac Arrhythmias 2005 This work is subject to copyright.All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other ways, and storage in data banks

185. BE YOUR OWN GUGU e Your Own Guru has been written to appeal to both your imagination and logic – which is why you’ll fi nd both a true story (the odd numbered chapters) and the rationale behind it (the even numbered chapters) running throughout the book.

186. The Cambridge Guide to Australian English Usage Since the first publication of The Cambridge Australian English Style Guide, electronic communication has become almost universal, used in parallel to or instead of print. Wordprocessors are now the primary means for drafting documents, whether they are to appear in hard copy (i.e. on paper) or to be transmitted over the internet. The new medium impacts on numerous aspects of language and style which are reflected in updated entries in this new edition.

187. NET Web Developer’s Guide We would like to acknowledge the following people for their kindness and support in making this book possible: Richard Kristof and Duncan Anderson of Global Knowledge, for their generous access to the IT industry’s best courses, instructors, and training facilities

188. BUSINESS THE RICHARD BRANSON WAY I’d like to think this book provides a fair analysis of why Richard Branson has been so successful over so many years. In the end, though, whether you see him as the beardedcrusader or simply capitalism with a hairy face, it is impossible to escape the conclusion that he is a remarkable individual.

189. Building Successful Virtual Teams The technical descriptions, procedures, and computer programs in this book have been developed with the greatest of care and they have been useful to the author in a broad range of applications; however, they are provided as is, without warranty of any kind. Artech House, Inc. and the author and editors of the book titled Building Successful Virtual Teams make no warranties, expressed or implied, that the equations, programs, and procedures in this book or its associated software are free of error, or are consistent with any particular standard of merchantability, or will meet your requirements for any particular application

190. BROADBAND INTERNET,ACCESS REGULATION AND POLICY The internet has become so widespread that such issues as access, regulation and related policies have become major factors in the economy and social fabric of societies in every part of the world. Peoples without running water are demanding access to the internet and those without it are becoming deprived citizens. This new book examines current issues of interest to the blossoming area.

191. Philosophical Ridings Motorcycles and the Meaning of Life I have discussed some of the topics in this book with the Immoral Sciences Club (the philosophy discussion group I have been running for some of my Cambridge philosophy students). Thanks to those who attended these enjoyable sessions: Bob Beddor, Sarah Boyes, Christina Cameron, Paul Dicken, Sophie Erskine, Claire Fox, Kyla Bowen-la Grange, Chris Korek, Lucy Moseley, Sarah Ramsey, James Sharp and Matt Woodward. Other friends who, for different reasons, deserve a mention are:

192. The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Finance Although the basic purposes of finance, and the nature of the core instruments used in attaining them, are relatively constant, recent years have seen an explosion in complexity of both products and techniques.

193. Bioinformatics With the flood of biological data, which started in the early 1990s, ‘bioinformatics’ is gradually becoming an accepted discipline in main stream biology—or ‘necessary evil’ depending on one’s perspective! At the simplest level it has been described as ‘mere data curation’ but it is the view of the authors of this book that bioinformatics is one of the critical keys needed to unlock the information encoded in genome data, protein structure data and highthrough put transcriptome and proteome information

194. Biodiesel A Realistic Fuel Alternative for Diesel Engines This book aims to provide a comprehensive treatment of triglycerides (oils and fats), which convert primary forms of energy into a more usable and economical source of energy for transportation. Biodiesel is a domestic fuel for diesel engines derived from natural oils like soybean oil. It is the name given to a variety of es-ter-based oxygenated fuels from renewable biological sources that can be made from processed organic oils and fats.

195. Biocatalysis The field of biocatalysis is at a crossroads. On one hand, the frontier of research races ahead, propelled by advances in the database-supported analysis of sequences and structures as well as the designability of genes and proteins. Moreover, the “design rules” for biocatalysts have emerged from vague images on the horizon, to come into much clearer view. On the other hand, experienced practitioners from other areas as well as more and more students entering this field search for ways to obtain the level of knowledge in biocatalysis that advances their own agenda.

196. beriberi, white rice, and vitamin b This is a medical detective story: beginning with the investigation of a disease that has killed or crippled at least a million people, and then following up clues that ranged much wider. One outcome was the production of a synthetic chemical that we now, nearly all of us, consume in small quantities each day in our food.

197. Vibrations and Waves Dandelion. Cello. Read those two words, and your brain instantly conjures a stream of associations, the most prominent of which have to do with vibrations. Our mental category of “dandelion-ness” is strongly linked to the color of light waves that vibrate about half a million billion times a second: yellow

198. VITAMINS IN FOODS George Ball has accumulated many years of commercial and research laboratory experience in pharmaceutical analysis, clinical analysis, biochemical analysis, and food analysis.

199. AUTOMATED CONTINUOUS PROCESS CONTROL This book was written over a number of years while teaching short courses to industry. Most of the participants were graduate engineers, and a few were instrument technicians. For the engineers, the challenge was to show them that the control theory most of them heard in college is indeed the basis for the practice of process control

200. THE ASSERTIVENESS POCKETBOOK This book is dedicated to my son, Max Charles, who, in spite of my influence, is very much his own man and, for one so young, has developed his own way of being assertive. Max, I’m proud of you.Thanks to Donna Coiera for transforming my handwriting into an acceptable WP format.

201. SMS and MMS Interworking in Mobile Networks In December 2002, an invitation to lecture at the Belgacom Corporate University (Brussels) offered the opportunity to put together several years of research on the subject of short message service. The Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) includes a large number of beautifully specified standards, with visionary ideas. Comparatively, IS-41 (the U.S.-originated mobile standard specifications for CDMA and TDMA) is much less developed

202. iPhone Cool Projects Gary Bennett is the lead author on this project. He served for 10 years as a nuclear power engineer on two different nuclear powered submarines. On shore duty, Gary completed his Bachelor of Science degree in computer science. After college, he worked for GTE Data Services and Arizona Public Service converting hundreds of thousands of lines of OS/2 code to Windows NT.

203. Beginning POJOs From Novice to Professional BRIAN SAM-BODDEN has spent over ten years working with object technologies, with an emphasis on the Java platform. He holds dual bachelor degrees from Ohio Wesleyan University in computer science and physics and is the president and chief software architect for Integrallis Software (, where he focuses on object modeling and Java, particularly Java EE.

204. Analysis of Drug Impurities A key component of the quality of pharmaceutical drugs is the control of impurities. It is important to identify and quantify levels of impurities that may be present to provide safe, effective and well-controlled medicines. The measurement and identification of impurities to today’s standards presents significant challenges to the analytical chemist.

205. Analysis and Design of Integrated Circuit The latest breakthrough in the continuing miniaturization of electronic systems is made possible by the integration of circuit functions and radiating elements into single modules. In a typical system implementation, electronic circuits and antenna subsystems are often provided by different equipment vendors.

206. Selling to Anyone Over the Phone The number one predictor of successful salespeople is their ability to connect with their customers. In the years leading up to the present, the best sales executives have accomplished this by having multiple, face-to-face meetings. However, the demands on our clients’ time, coupled with the increasing expense and frustration of travel, have minimized our ability to actually meet with clients.

207. ProActive Selling Control the Process Selling. What a profession. Why do so many people love selling so much, whereas others hate even the thought of selling something? What is it about the topic of selling that causes so many mixed emotions? Better yet, why are some people so good at it, and others are always trying to get it right?

208. Alkoxo and Aryloxo Derivatives of Metals The value of a book may well be judged by the number of times a person has to buy it, for, while many books once read gather dust upon a shelf, those more often sought can sometimes be seldom found. Over 20 years ago, I was fortunate to receive a complimentary copy of “Metal Alkoxides” by Bradley, Mehrotra and Gaur

209. ASSET & LIABILITY MANAGEMENT n an increasingly competitive world, we believe it’s quality of thinking that will give you the edge – an idea that opens new doors, a technique that solves a problem or an insight that simply makes sense of it all. The more you know, the smarter and faster you can go.

210. Agile Estimating and Planning This book could have been called Estimating and Planning Agile Projects. Instead, it’s called Agile Estimating and Planning. The difference may appear subtle but it’s not. The title makes it clear that the estimating and planning processes must themselves be agile. Without agile estimating and planning, wen cannot have agile projects.

211. ADVANCES IN HOSPITALITY AND LEISURE Advances in Hospitality and Leisure (AHL), a peer-review publication, aims to promote seminal and innovative research outputs pertaining to hospitality, leisure, tourism, and lifestyle. Specifically, the series will encourage researchers to investigate new research issues and problems that are critical but have been largely ignored while providing a forum that will disseminate singular thoughts advancing empirical undertakings both theoretically andmethodologically.

212. Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B emphasizes the most important reatinons used in organic sythesis. The material is organized by reaction type. Chapters 1 and 2 dis cuss the alkylation, conjugate addition and carbonyl addition/ condensation reactinons of enolates and other carbon nucleophiles Chapter 3 cvers the use of nucleophilic substituon, both at saturated cacbon and at carbonyl groups

213. AdministrativeAssistant’s & Secretary’s HANDBOOK The following products are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated: Acrobat; Distiller; FrameMaker; Illustrator; PageMaker; Photoshop; PostScript; Premiere; Publisher.

214. A Field Guide to Reporting Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed astrademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital letters or in all capitals

215. ADDISON WESLEY – PERL DEBUGGED–-PERL-DEBUGGED.html "This book was a joy to read. It covered all sorts of techniques for debugging, including 'defensive' paradigms that will eliminate bugs in the first place. As coach of the USA Programming Team, I find the most difficult thing to teach is debugging. This is the first text I've even heard of that attacks the problem. It does a fine job. Please encourage these guys to write more." -Rob Kolstad

216. Ada for Software Engineers Albert Einstein once said everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler Einstein could have been talking about programming languages, as the landscape is strewnwith “simple” languages that, several versions later, have 500-page reference manuals!

217. ACCOUNTING PATTENRNS FOWLER Perhaps it’s just the way my career has worked out, but accounting sytemms of one kind or another have been an overrriding theme for me. From my first project as consultant, through to projec as I’m involved with now now twelve yaers on . I’ve taken partin laying out accouting systems

218. Access to Financial Services in Brazil The challenge of alleviating poverty and improving living conditions for the poorest populations is a formidable one. It is increasingly apparent that such a betterment of the lot of poor people requires an effort that spans all sectors of the economy and may not be easy to achieve through economic growth alone

219. Ableton Live 6 would first and foremost like to acknowledge the authors who worked on the earlier editions of this book: Dave Hill, Jr. of Ableton and Chad Carrier of M-Audio. Both Dave and Chad did a great job of explaining Live previously; hopefully I have come up to their standard in bringing the current edition up to date for Live 6.

220. ABC OF RESUSCITATION The modern era of resuscitation began in 1960 with the publication of the classic paper by Jude, Kouwenhoven, and Knickerbocker on closed chest cardiac compression, which showed that the circulation could be maintained during cardiac arrest without the need for thoracotomy. A few years earlier Elam, Safar, and Gordon had established expired air ventilation as the mosteffective method for providing artificial ventilation for a patient who had stopped breathing. The effectiveness of closed chest defibrillation had been demonstrated by Zoll a few years earlier. By combining the techniques of chest compression with expired air ventilation, it became possible to maintain the viability of a patient in cardiopulmonary arrest until a defibrillator could be brought to the scene. Special units were established that were able to resuscitate patients at high risk of developing cardiac arrest, and special hospital cardiac arrest teams were created.

221. A security analysis of Pretty Good Privacy Congratulations on your acquisition of AsecurityanalysisofPGP. I hope you enjoy reading this text, and that it will encourage you to learn more about cryptography. To help you read more about cryptography, there is a CD-Rom accompanying this paper. It contains many of thesources that were used to make this text, the PGP program, and some otherwise useful programs.

222. A Purchasing Manager's Guide to Strategic Proactive Procurement's-Guide-to-Strategic-Proactive--Procurement.html Much has happened in procurement circles since David N. Burt's book Proactive Procurement was published in 1984. We like to think Proactive Procurement had at least a small part in focusing attention on the importance of procurement in containing costs, improving quality, increasing productivity, shortening concept to customer delivery times, and strengthening the integration of materials management into the total operations of an organization.

223. A HISTORY OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY MANY histories of philosophy exist, and it has not been my purpose merely to add one to their number. My purpose is to exhibit philosophy as an integral part of social and political life: not as the isolated speculations of remarkable individuals, but as both an effect and a cause of the character of the various communities in which different systems flourished. This purpose demands more account of general history than is usually given by historians of philosophy. I have found this particularly necessary as regards periods with which the general reader cannot be assumed to be familiar.

224. A CONCISE AND PRECTICAL INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING ALGORITHMS IN JAVA This concise textbook has been primarily designed for undergraduate students as a very first course in programming. The book requires no prior knowledge of programming nor algorithms. It provides a gentle introduction to these topics. The contents of this book have been organized into ten chapters split over two parts, as follows:

225. 501 Word Analogy Questions Welcome to 501 Word Analogy Questions! This book is designed to help you prepare for the verbal and reasoning sections of many assessment and entrance exams. By completing the exercises in this book, you will develop the skills necessary to tackle each type of analogy question

226. 100 STATISTICAL TESTS This book presents a collection of statistical tests which can help experimenters an researchers draw conclusions from a series of observational data. The main part of the book provides a one/two page summary of each of the most common statistical tests, complete with details of each test objective, the limitations (or assumptions) involved, a brief outline of the method, a worked example and the numerical calculation. At the start of the book there are more, detailed, worked examples of the nine most common tests. The information provides an ideal “memory jog” for statisticians, practitioners and other regular users of statistics who are competent statisticians but who need a sourcebook for precise details of some or all the various tests.

Tổng số bản ghi: 226

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Đề tài: Hoạt động marketing của công ty cổ phần bút bi Thiên Long

Đề tài: Hoạt động marketing của công ty cổ phần bút bi Thiên Long Mục Lục Lời mở đầu Chương I : Phân tích kết quả kinh doanh của công ty cổ phần tập đoàn Thiên Long I. Kết quả kinh doanh của công ty cổ phần tập đoàn Thiên Long trong thời gian qua II.Đánh giá hoạt động marketing của công ty cổ phần tập đoàn Thiên Long thời gian qua Chương II : Phân tích môi trường marketing của công ty cổ phần tập đoàn Thiên Long I. Phân tích môi trường marketing vĩ mô II.Phân tích môi trường marketing vi mô III. Phân tích môi trường marketing nội bộ IV. Phân tích swot Chương III. Phân đoạn thị trường của công ty cổ phần tập đoàn Thiên Long với sản phẩm bút bi Thiên Long I. Vị trí hiện tại của doanh nghiệp II. Xác định đối tượng khách hàng hay thị trường cần phân đoạn III. Phân chia thị trường theo những tiêu thức thích hợp IV. Đánh giá tiềm năng của các đoạn thị trường V. Lựa chọn các phương thức marketing nhằm khai thác các đoạn thị trường mục tiêu Chương IV. Xác định chiến lược M...


SÁCH THAM KHẢO VỀ Y HỌC PHƯƠNG ĐÔNG TRUNG QUỐC DANH PHƯƠNG TOÀN TẬP Cái truyền lại được của y học nằm lại trong bài thuốc. Cho nên dược học của Đông y dẫu đã trải qua nhiều chìm nổi, biến thiên song không triều đại nào, thòi kỳ nào bị ruồng bỏ, mà trong y học, việc nghiền cứu thảo luận các bài thuốc đã trở thành một chủ đề muôn thuở. Người học không sợ nhiều mà chỉ lo ít, người SƯU tầm chẳng sợ giàu mà chỉ lo còn quá nghèo. Cuốn sách này là công việc của nhiều người tâm huyết với nhiều năm lao động, tập hợp các bài thuốc hay, bất kê kinh phương, thời phương hoặc bí phương, hễ có công dụng lâm sàng tốt, được chấp nhận rộng rãi từ cổ chí kim đều được giới thiệu. Thuốc hay tập hợp hơn nghìn bài lấy công dụng chủ trị làm cương lĩnh, lấy phương tễ làm đề mục. Mỗi phương đều có tên bài, xuất xứ, thành phần, cách dùng, công hiệu, chủ trị, giải thích bài thuốc theo lí luận Đông y, lòi bàn, các bài thuốc cùng tên, các bài thuốc phụ thêm, phân tích, điền lí để sáng rõ. Trong phần ...


GIÁO TRÌNH  VẬN TẢI VÀ GIAO NHẬN TRONG NGOẠI THƯƠNG N gay từ ngày thành lập Trường Đại học Ngoại thương, môn học “Nghiệp vụ vận tải và bảo hiểm trong Ngoại thương” đã được giảng dạy trong chương trình đào tạo của Nhà trường. Môn học này là một trong những môn học nghiệp vụ chuyên ngành chủ yếu trong chương trình đào tạo của Nhà trường. Cùng với sự phát triển của Nhà trường, môn học “Nghiệp vụ vận tải và bảo hiểm trong Ngoại thương”  cũng được cải tiến và hoàn thiện nhằm đáp ứng yêu cầu nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo . Năm 1986, lần đầu tiên cuốn giáo trình có tên gọi “Vận tải trong Ngoại thương”  được xuất bản, chấm dứt thời kỳ “giảng chay”  và “học chay”  trong công tác giảng dạy của môn học. Tiếp đến năm 1994, cuốn giáo trình mới có tên gọi “Vận tải và bảo hiểm trong Ngoại thương”  do Tập thể giáo viên trong Bộ môn “ Vận tải và Bảo hiểm” biên soạn và được Nhà trường xuất bản. Cuốn giáo trình này đã trở thành giáo trình chuẩn của môn học phục ...